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CRC reporting and the role of civil society

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1 CRC reporting and the role of civil society
CRC reporting and the role of civil society Reetta Kallio Advisor Central Union for Child Welfare

2 Source: Child Rights Connect

3 Preparation of the alternative report
The Central Union for Child Welfare coordinates the preparation of the alternative report of Finnish NGOs Open invitation – app. 60 parties are involved TIP! Contact Child Rights Connect to find out if there is a national coalition in your country The aim is to create a comprehensive report Key elements: situation analysis, comments on the state report, concrete examples, conclusions and recommendation


5 Why engage with the reporting cycle?
Children’s rights defenders who engage in the reporting cycle, can: participate in the improvement of the children’s rights situation in their country; raise their concerns and suggestions about the children’s rights situation in their country to a UN body that can make recommendations to their national government; use their report and the reporting cycle to increase awareness about children’s rights issues in the media and the general public; establish working relations with new partners at national and international level.

6 Thank you for your time!

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