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Organization and Function of Government Confirmation Process, Impeachment Process, Judicial Review, Presidential Power SS.7.C.3.8 Analyze the structure,

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Presentation on theme: "Organization and Function of Government Confirmation Process, Impeachment Process, Judicial Review, Presidential Power SS.7.C.3.8 Analyze the structure,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization and Function of Government Confirmation Process, Impeachment Process, Judicial Review, Presidential Power SS.7.C.3.8 Analyze the structure, functions, and processes of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Essential Question: How does the confirmation process, impeachment process, judicial review and presidential power work together for our nation?

2 Bell Ringer Which action formally accuses a government official of “wrongdoing”? filibuster impeach override pardon What powers do the Florida governor and U.S. president have in common? deliver State of the Union address, four-year term, commander-in-chief, grant pardons six-year term, grant pardons, make treaties, commander-in-chief grant pardons, veto, deliver State of the Union address, six-year term veto, grant pardons, chief executive, four-year term

3 How the Confirmation Process Works
I Do Guided Notes The President selects a nominee. The Committee holds a hearing on the nominee. The Committee votes on whether to report the nominee to the full Senate for a vote.

4 Impeachment Process (House/Senate)
I Do Guided Notes The House Judiciary Committee decides whether or not to proceed with impeachment. The Full House will debate and vote on each Article of Impeachment. Should any one of the Articles of Impeachment be approved by a simple majority vote, the President will be "impeached." However, being impeached is sort of like being indicted of a crime. There still has to be a trial, which is where the US Senate comes in.  The Articles of Impeachment are received from the House. A trial will be held. The Senate, in open session, will vote on a verdict. A 2/3 vote of the Senate will result in a conviction. The Senate will vote to remove the President from office.

5 Judicial Review and Presidential Power
I Do Guided Notes The power of courts of law to review the actions of the executive and legislative branches is called Judicial Review.  Judicial Review was decided by the case Marbury v Madison. Presidential Power Article II of the U.S. Constitution lays out the powers of the president. The President is not all powerful and is subject to the same checks and balances as the other branches of our government.

6 Group Understanding We Do
Working in groups, create a visual presentation to describe either: Group 1: Confirmation Process Group 2: Impeachment Process Group 3: Judicial Review Group 4: Presidential Power

7 Bell Ringer Which action formally accuses a government official of “wrongdoing”? filibuster impeach override pardon What powers do the Florida governor and U.S. president have in common? deliver State of the Union address, four- year term, commander-in-chief, grant pardons six-year term, grant pardons, make treaties, commander-in-chief grant pardons, veto, deliver State of the Union address, six-year term veto, grant pardons, chief executive, four-year term

8 You Do You Do This table below describes presidential vetoes Which action formally accuses a government official of “wrongdoing”? filibuster impeach override pardon Based on the table, how has the legislative process been impacted by presidential vetoes? The presidents’ views are not reflected in public policy. The presidents’ views are reflected in public policy. Congress represents the will of the people. Congress represents the will of the states.

9 Organization and Function of Government Confirmation Process, Impeachment Process, Judicial Review, Presidential Power SS.7.C.3.8 Analyze the structure, functions, and processes of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Essential Question: How does the confirmation process, impeachment process, judicial review and presidential power work together for our nation?

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