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Have you ever wanted to lead your Team?

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Presentation on theme: "Have you ever wanted to lead your Team?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Have you ever wanted to lead your Team?
Sports Captains We would like you to apply to be your House Sports Captain. If you want to be a leader for your house this is your opportunity. You will be in charge of creating teams for Inter House and being a link between your house and PE. Apply Now!! See your HOH

2 Silent Reflection Time: What does this mean to you?!
BV–Tolerance Silent Reflection Time: What does this mean to you?! 1 min Tolerance: willingness to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve of them.

3 BV–Tolerance 2 minutes - discuss on your table: What do you think this means? What are your thoughts on this? How does Tolerance change the world? Do you feel intolerant people have a right?

4 pupil-led discussion:
BV–Tolerance 4 mins pupil-led discussion: Each table: Be prepared to share your views. I strongly disagree with…. because…. This could well be the case because…… Don’t you think that……? I appreciate what you are saying, however….. In my opinion…. 2 mins - Record Reflection: Summarise this reflection in your planner. It could just be one keyword, but think carefully and be prepared to share what you have written and the reason why.

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