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Access Click on file and then you want a new database.

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Presentation on theme: "Access Click on file and then you want a new database."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access 2003. Click on file and then you want a new database.

2 Select blank database.

3 table in design view.

4 I am starting to develop the database table, the same one I did on Tuesday - this is a review.



7 Now I am establishing the key.

8 need to populate the table.


10 view.

11 First I need to select the table that I want to add to the query
First I need to select the table that I want to add to the query. I select student and click on Add. Then I close.

12 When I want to see the results I will click on the icon I am pointing to.

13 This shows the three fields and the data for each record in the database.
When I want to go back to the structure, I click on the icon I am pointing to.

14 This query will show the contents of the three fields for each record where there is a CI in the major field.

15 This shows the results.

16 This will show records where major = CI and yrbth = 1980.


18 a major = CI.



21 Data currently on the table. I made a change.

22 This shows records where it is either CI or 1980, Either is sufficient
This shows records where it is either CI or 1980, Either is sufficient. The Access is shown on the next slide.

23 These criteria are in an OR relationship
These criteria are in an OR relationship. The criteria line and the or line are used. The output is shown on the previous slide.

24 relationship.


26 This says that major = CI is required and then in addition either yrbth must be 1980 or gpa must be 4. To have major have to equal CI, I put it on both the criteria line and the or line.

27 All are CI majors and then either yrbth is 1980 or gpa is 4
All are CI majors and then either yrbth is 1980 or gpa is 4. Both can be true.

28 Again, showing the data - I think I made some changes.

29 This shows the results of the query on the next page.

30 Here I am looking for major = CI and yrbth = 1980 or just gpa of 4
Here I am looking for major = CI and yrbth = 1980 or just gpa of 4. So if I get a No to either of the first two questions, I test gpa.


32 first, I have a more direct approach.

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