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Presentation on theme: "HAPPY SOURCES OF STRENGTH WEEK!"— Presentation transcript:

3/18 TO 3/22

2 What is Sources of Strength?
Program ran by students (peer leaders) Help students to identify “strengths” in their lives so it’s easier to cope with problems Helps students to name an adult they trust in and out of school Help to identify students that are struggling and get them to a trusted adult Spread hope, help and strength

3 SOS WEEK Monday: Mental Health Day Tuesday: Healthy Activities Day
Wednesday: Positive Friends Day Thursday: Mentors Day Friday: Generosity Day

4 SOS Events for the Week:
Monday; Door decoration contest begins. Decorate your door in one or more of the sources of strength. Judging will be the end of the day on Friday. Winning Homerooms will receive a breakfast party! Tuesday: Students will commit to a new healthy activity at lunch to receive a prize. Wednesday: Students will name a positive friend at lunch to receive a prize. Friends that are named will be entered to win a drawing. Thursday: Students will identify mentors in their lives and write cards to them. Friday: Random Acts of Kindness Day! Students will be “tagged” with stickers of tattoos for doing nice things for others. We will announce Trusted Adults of The Day and announce our Trusted Adult of the Year! Positive messaging in the Bell Broadcast daily and posted around the school.

5 8 Sources of Strength: Mental Health: Are you struggling with depression or anxiety or other mental health issues? If you are, there is help! Please tell your counselor or a trusted adult. You don’t have to suffer in silence! Positive Friends: Assess your friend group! Do your friends want what’s best for you or are the full of drama? People with goals in their lives don’t have time for pettiness. Choose friends that build you up, not cause you stress! Healthy Activities: EVERYONE needs an outlet that they enjoy and helps them to de-stress! It can be sports, clubs, music, art, dance, yoga, etc. Generosity: Research shows that doing something nice for someone else makes you happier! Don’t believe it? Next time you’re feeling down put that negative energy into helping someone else and see how your feel!

6 8 Sources of Strength continued..
Spirituality: Connecting to something bigger than you. For some this is church/religion, praying, meditation and being in nature. Family Support: Relying on family members in times of need can provide a great support. Sometimes family members aren’t necessarily blood relatives. Mentors: Find someone that you look up and trust. Students that have mentors are 300% more likely to go to college. You can also be a mentor! Medical Access: Making sure you have access to medical care in times of need. See your school social worker for assistance.

7 SOS We are not always strong in every “source”.
Think about 2 areas that you are strong in and 2 that you would like to work on! Share with your class…. Remember…if you or someone you know is struggling, getting help could potentially save a life. Find help with a counselor or trusted adult. You can anonymously report students that you feel need help.



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