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ER&L Cluster Meeting Manila, 7 January 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "ER&L Cluster Meeting Manila, 7 January 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 ER&L Cluster Meeting Manila, 7 January 2014

2 Follow-up on Action Points
Request ICCM to discuss whether Bohal should also be included in the coordination coverage. Food Security and Agriculture Cluster and ER&L to meet and discuss clear delineation of activities. Indicators Working Group to convene to review SRP indicators for a workable progress monitoring framework. Working Group to share draft with the rest of the Cluster for endorsement. Circulate guidance note on coconut tree lumber.  

3 Humanitarian Country team
Typhoon Response Coordination Structure Donor Humanitarian Country team Government TWGs ICCG Clusters This new approach … Builds on existing resources and allows more time for each step of the CAP process Level of needs analysis and prioritisation adaptable to country capacity Makes more transparent and strengthens the evidence base Increases accountability to achieve agreed priorities Cebu (till end Jan 2014) Tacloban Roxas Guiuan Ormoc Bohol (non-Typhoon) Zamboanga (non-Typhoon)

4 ACAPS secondary data review
Discuss: “Operational requirements”

5 Strategic Monitoring Framework

6 Revised Cash Guidelines

7 Priorities going forward on non-agriculture/non-fisheries livelihoods
Proposed workshop with FSAC Coco lumber working group

8 Moving forward with field coordination
Proposed hub cluster workshops to map needs, existing resources to respond to them, and urgent gaps that require immediate attention

9 Improving Information Products

10 Improving Information Products

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