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Project Giving an oral report

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1 Project Giving an oral report

2 Enjoy an English song Shining friend faith hide sorrow sunshine
a little (1) _________ brightens a rainy day life is difficult you can't go away don't (2) _________ yourselves in the corner you have my place to stay (3) _________ is gonna say goodbye opens up you'll see the happy (4) _________ keep going on with your dream chasing tomorrow's (5) _________ the (6) _________ can never die sun will shine, my friend won't let you cry, my dear seeing you shed a tear make my world (7) _________ you'll never be (8) _________ in darkness see my smile, my friend we are with you, holding hands you have got to (9) _________, you are my destiny we're (10) _________ to be your friends that's what a friend should be faith hide sorrow sunshine sunrise spirit disappear alone believe meant

3 Teenagers’ friendships
Daily talk: Do you have a best friend?

4 Teenagers’ friendships
Share some interesting things between you with us.

5 Analyze para.1 What’s the function of the first para.? Use a story to introduce the topic of this report.

6 The different attitudes of boys and girls towards friendship.
Analyze para.2-para.4 Go over the first sentence from para.2-para.4. What’s the theme of this part? The different attitudes of boys and girls towards friendship.

7 Analyze para.2-para.4 Match the main idea with each para.

8 Analyze para.2-para.4 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4
a) Adolescent boys cannnot name a single best friend. b) Friendships between girls and boys are based on different things. c) Adolescent girls can name a best friend. Para.2 Para.3 Para.4

9 Analyze para.2-para.4 How does the author prove his opinion in para.3 and para.4? By quoting(引用) the interviewees’ words.

10 Analyze para.5 What’s the main idea of para.5? The similarities in the attitudes towards friendship between boys and girls.

11 Review the structure of the report
Introduction to the topic. Different attitudes between boys and girls. Some similarities between boys and girls.

12 Free talk As a boy / girl, do you think that your friendship with your close friend(s) is just what the writher talks about in the article? What do you usually share with your best friend? Why do you want to share it with him / her?

13 1.What is the most important thing in life to the writer?
Listening (Article 2) 1.What is the most important thing in life to the writer? 2. What does friendship mean to the writer ? 3. What can always be remembered? Friendship. Friendship means not being alone, having someone she can rely on and being committed to others. We will remember those whom we loved and those who loved us. We will remember our friends.

14 The structure of Article Two
What the writer thinks the most important thing in life is part1 1 para __ part2 What friendship means to the writer 2~4 paras ___ part3 What can always be remembered(Conclusion) 5 para __

15 What are your own attitudes towards friendship?

16 *The friend is like wine, the old, the
better. *A friend is a second self. *A life without a friend is a life without a sun. *Friendship is a love without wings. *A friend in need is a friend indeed.

17 Reading strategy Topic sentences Examples Purposes
Her travelling to her grandparents’ house Her leaving her schoolbag on a trolleybus Her quarrelling with Jenny Topic sentences “…not being alone” “… having someone she can rely on.” “… being committed to others.”

18 Tips on how to write an oral report
1) Use a story to introduce the topic. (Article One) 2) Express the ideas with topic sentences, with examples followed by. (Article Two) 3) Draw a conclusion.

19 Useful expressions be anchored in 扎根于 对。。小心谨慎的 be cautious about 渴望做某事
不管,不顾 结束做某事 多亏 成功做成某事 尽心尽力于/致力于 总之 对。。。好奇 某人有可能做某事 战胜困难 be cautious about be eager to do sth regardless of end up doing thanks to was/were able to do sth be committed to in conclusion be curious about Sb be likely to do sth overcome difficulties

20 Teenagers interest/hobbies
Write an oral report Teenagers interest/hobbies 根据最新的调查,兴趣对青少年的成长有着重大影响。爱因斯坦(Einstein)还是小孩时,对指南针(compass)非常好奇。后来他致力于物理学(physics)研究,为人类做出了杰出的贡献。由此可见, 首先,兴趣爱好可激励青少年实现自己的目标。我们都有这样的体会,如果做自己喜欢的事,你会自愿去做,有什么困难你会想办法,千方百计去完成它。瑞典化学家诺贝尔(Nobel,a swedish chemist )对炸药(explosives)很感兴趣,他致力于研究炸药,不顾自己的安危,最终获得了成功。 其次,兴趣能鼓励青少年自觉克服困难。Tom渴望练武(practice wushu)但爱睡懒觉。后来参加了武术培训班(Martial arts training),每天天不亮(dawn)就去练武。多亏了武术,他改掉了睡懒觉的毛病。 总之,兴趣将给青少年的学习和生活提供无限动力(unlimited power)。

21 Present your writing to the class

22 Teenagers interest/hobbies
Write an oral report Teenagers interest/hobbies According to the recent survey, interest has a great effect on teenagers’ growth. When Einstein was a child, he was curious about the compass. Later he committed himself to studying physics, making great contributions to society. For one thing, hobbies can inspire teenagers to achieve his aim. We all have this kind of experience: If you do the things that you are fond of, you’ll be willing to do it and overcome the difficulties that you are faced with. Nobel, a Swedish Chemist, showed great interest in explosives. He devoted himself to doing research on explosives, regardless of his own safety. Finally, he was able to achieve success.

23 Teenagers interest/hobbies
Write an oral report Teenagers interest/hobbies For another, interest can encourage teenagers to overcome difficulties on their own. For example, Tom was eager to practice wushu but he was fond of getting up early every day. Later he participated in Martial arts training, and practiced wushu before dawn. Thanks to wushu, Tom ended up getting up late. In conclusion, Interest will provide unlimited power to the young people's learning and life.

24 Friendship plays an important part in our lives. We all need friends
Friendship plays an important part in our lives. We all need friends. Cherish your friendship. A friend is easier lost than found.

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