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Germany surrenders…what is the appropriate punishment?

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Presentation on theme: "Germany surrenders…what is the appropriate punishment?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Germany surrenders…what is the appropriate punishment?
Treaty of Versailles, 1919 Germany surrenders…what is the appropriate punishment?

2 Soldiers returning

3 Some WWI Statistics WWI left Europe devastated
Britain:750,000 killed, 1.5 million wounded France:1.4 million killed, 2.5 million wounded Belgium:50,000 killed Italy: 600,000 killed Russia: 1.7 million killed USA: 116,000 killed Germany: 2 million soldiers killed Austria-Hungary: 1.2 million killed Turkey: 325,000 killed Bulgaria 100,000 killed Total deaths equals 8.5 million, 21 million wounded





8 Attitudes towards Germany
Britain: Germany should be punished but not push them towards Communism France: Bring Germany to its knees = can’t start war again US: Make Germany pay as a move towards reconciliation and not towards revenge, appalled at atrocities, public wanted US to have little input

9 David Lloyd-George (Britain); Orlando (Italy); Georges Clemenceau (France); Woodrow Wilson (US)

10 Categories of the Treaty
Military Economic Moral Territory The Terms

11 Military Battleships = 10,000 tons or less Only 100,000 men No U-boats
No modern air force No tanks or other modern weapons

12 Territory Transfer Denmark & Belgium Most to Poland Lost Asian ports
African colonies (some) Demilitarized Rhineland

13 Economic War Reparations Human Life Environmental Damage
132 billion gold Marks (US $33 billion)

14 Moral War Guilt Clause Germany must accept blame for starting WWI

15 Europe is Redrawn

16 Vengeance! German Nation
Today in the Hall of Mirrors of Versailles the disgraceful Treaty is being signed. Do not forget it! The German people will with unceasing labour press forward to reconquer the place among nations to which it is entitled. Then will come the vengeance for the shame of 1919. From the ‘Deutsche Zeitung’ [‘The German Express’] newspaper.

17 Only fools, liars and criminals could hope for mercy from the enemy
Only fools, liars and criminals could hope for mercy from the enemy. In these nights hatred grew in me, hatred for those responsible for the dead. By Adolf Hitler, who had served in the army and became a future leader of Germany




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