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utilizing Stepping Stones

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1 utilizing Stepping Stones
Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. -Albert Einstein utilizing Stepping Stones T2 ELL T1 T3 SPED Gates Elementary Mathematics K-5

2 Today’s Learning -Effectively utilize the mathematics resources to support instruction for all students. -Explore various documents in Stepping Stones to support with RtI and goal setting. -Professional development offerings and upcoming important dates.

3 Accessing Stepping Stones
* Enroll in any elementary math course and you will be able to access the slate button.

4 Channels

5 Differentiation Grade3 Module 1.1

6 Extra Help Low prep, high yield

7 Extra Practice Needing more reinforcement of the same concept or learning that just tool place. This allows for students to make sense of their learning at a slower rate to ensure proper processing of the content. This will require teachers to look at this ahead of time during their planning and decide if it’s needed or feasible depending on the concept teaching for the lesson. It might only be considered for a certain number of students that have been strategically grouped for small group instruction or guided math groups.

8 Extra Challenge

9 Additional Resource for Gates
Contact Audra Rowell for further information- has a copy available for check out if needed.

10 Lesson Icons English Language Proficiency Standards are embedded in the Stepping Stones lessons for teachers use when this icon is visible. What should you be looking and listening for throughout the learning? This icon is available for all lessons and should be referred to when planning. Wanting suggestions on what work samples would lend themselves to portfolios or student folders?

11 ELPS- English Language Proficiency Standards

12 K-2 Big Books (Visuals)

13 K-2 Big Books (Visuals)

14 K-2 Big Books (Visuals)

15 Progression Tab When teachers need to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of their students. This information has been shared with all resource teachers at their PLC. I presented and we did several of the strategies taught within origo for K-5. Teachers have access to print from any of the grade levels if students are needing more practice with a concept in a lower grade level for differentiation purposes.

16 Math Block Framework

17 What could the math block look like?
Whole group or guided math. The workshop model would still be incorporated as there is still an opening, work period and closing.

18 Formative Assessments

19 3 Types of Formatives Pre-test- given before starting the module to help inform instruction and utilize time more efficiently. Provides an opportunity for students to goal set and begin to better understand areas of strength and areas in which they need to improve upon. Observations and Discussions- Charts are provided for every module that identify lessons within the module, TEKS and what to look/listen for when students are completing the lesson. Journals and Portfolios- Charts are provided for every module that identify best lessons and activities that would be suitable for evidence of learning that occurred. When teachers need to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of their students. This information has been shared with all resource teachers at their PLC. I presented and we did several of the strategies taught within origo for K-5. Teachers have access to print from any of the grade levels if students are needing more practice with a concept in a lower grade level for differentiation purposes.

20 Recording Sheets/ Goal Setting

21 Recording Sheets- RtI Only accessible in Module 1 for each grade level.

22 Recording Sheets- RtI Each module has these available

23 Recording Sheets- RtI Each module has these available Quarterly Individual Achievement of Learning Target Individual Achievement of Learning Target Class Achievement of Learning Target

24 PD Offerings and Important Dates

25 Professional Development
Unpacking TEKS Guided Math Groups CPR- Collaborate, Plan and Respond Vertical Alignment

26 Important Dates District PLCs Upcoming CBAs
We have received great feedback about the PLCs. Please continue encouraging your teachers and support staff to attend. CBAs to be administered will always be hyperlinked in the semester-at-a glance.

27 Important Dates STAAR Benchmarks
All grade level math benchmarks will be copied at the campuses. Each campus will be sent a master test from which to copy from. Copying only from the master sent will ensure all images are clear and properly sized.

28 Shaunda Garrison, Elementary Math Coordinator
Kasey Rogers, Elementary Math Coach

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