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Objectives: What is my ideal holiday?

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1 Objectives: What is my ideal holiday?
Can I use adjectives to describe my ideas in detail? Task 1: Discuss with a partner what your ideal holiday would be. Think about: Where it would be What would the weather be like? What would you do on your holiday? What things would you see on your holiday? Task 2: Now brainstorm any of your ideas in your book (spider diagram or bullet pointed list) Task 3: Now that you have brainstormed your ideas, you need to put them into an order. Use the writing frame below to help you: Instructions a) Fill in the gaps above to help you to write your first paragraph. Make sure that you describe using adjectives. My Ideal Holiday I would go to (name of country, place) for my ideal holiday because (give two brief reasons). I would enjoy (describe activities). I would be able to feel (the sun? the breeze?). As I walked down the street, I would see ______________________ and ________________. The (adjective to describe the smell) smell of ______________ would waft passed me. b) Write another paragraph that focuses on what sounds you would hear (in the day and/or at night) and another for what food you would taste. Task 4: Imagine that you are a holiday company going to advertise your ideal holiday. Design a leaflet and include the following: Weather, what the location is like, holiday attractions, activities, etc Use all your ideas from the first 3 tasks to help you and make sure you include some interesting adjectives.

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