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Problem: A melt or water solution that a mineral precipitates from contains ALL natural elements Question: Do any of these ‘other’ ions get into a particular.

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2 Problem: A melt or water solution that a mineral precipitates from contains ALL natural elements Question: Do any of these ‘other’ ions get into a particular mineral?

3 Goldschmidt’s rules of Substitution
The ions of one element can extensively replace those of another in ionic crystals if their radii differ by less than about 15% Ions whose charges differ by one may substitute readily if electrical neutrality is maintained – if charge differs by more than one, substitution is minimal

4 Goldschmidt’s rules of Substitution
When 2 ions can occupy a particular position in a lattice, the ion with the higher charge density forms a stronger bond with the anions surrounding the site Substitution may be limited when the electronegativities of competing ions are different, forming bonds of different ionic character

5 FeS2 What ions would substitute nicely into pyrite?? S- radius=219 pm
Fe2+ radius=70 pm


7 Chemical ‘fingerprints’ of minerals
Major, minor, and trace constituents in a mineral Stable isotopic signatures Radioactive isotope signatures Forensic mineralogy intro – specific chemistry can delineate location of rock, sediment, soil…

8 Major, minor, and trace constituents in a mineral
A handsample-size rock or mineral has around 5*1024 atoms in it – theoretically almost every known element is somewhere in that rock, most in concentrations too small to measure… Specific chemical composition of any mineral is a record of the melt or solution it precipitated from. Exact chemical composition of any mineral is a fingerprint, or a genetic record, much like your own DNA This composition may be further affected by other processes Can indicate provenance (origin), and from looking at changes in chemistry across adjacant/similar units - rate of precipitation/ crystallization, melt history, fluid history

9 Chemical heterogeneity
Matrix containing ions a mineral forms in contains many different ions/elements – sometimes they get into the mineral Ease with which they do this: Solid solution: ions which substitute easily form a series of minerals with varying compositions (olivine series  how easily Mg (forsterite) and Fe (fayalite) swap…) Impurity defect: ions of lower quantity or that have a harder time swapping get into the structure

10 Compositional diagrams
Fe3O4 magnetite FeO wustite Fe2O3 hematite A Fe O A1B2C3 C=50%, B=35%, C=15% A1B1C1 x A1B2C3 x B C

11 Fe Mg Si fayalite forsterite enstatite ferrosilite Fe Mg forsterite fayalite Pyroxene solid solution  MgSiO3 – FeSiO3 Olivine solid solution  Mg2SiO4 – Fe2SiO4

12 Stable Isotopes A number of elements have more than one naturally occuring stable isotope. Why atomic mass numbers are not whole  they represent the relative fractions of naturally occurring stable isotopes Any reaction involving one of these isotopes can have a fractionation – where one isotope is favored over another Studying this fractionation yields information about the interaction of water and a mineral/rock, the origin of O in minerals, rates of weathering, climate history, and details of magma evolution, among other processes Fractionation discussion – go through mathematics of Rayleogh fractionation

13 Radioactive Isotopes Many elements also have 1+ radioactive isotopes
A radioactive isotope is inherently unstable and through radiactive decay, turns into other isotopes (a string of these reactions is a decay chain) The rates of each decay are variable – some are extremely slow If a system is closed (no elements escape) then the proportion of parent (original) and daughter (product of a radioactive decay reaction) can yield a date. Radioactive isotopes are also used to study petrogenesis, weathering rates, water/rock interaction, among other processes

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