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Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Acalypha gracilens Native to Florida?: yes NATL common name: slender threeseed.

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Presentation on theme: "Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Acalypha gracilens Native to Florida?: yes NATL common name: slender threeseed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Acalypha gracilens Native to Florida?: yes NATL common name: slender threeseed mercury Recognized by foliage prior to blooming?: yes Phenological observations: Green foliage Flowers Seeds/fruit Dormant, dying, or dead Notes on identification and other noteworthy traits: entire plant turns red-orange in fall; flowers encased in spiky green bowls; slender, ovate leaf shape; crenate leaf margins One plant Several plants very close together Group of many plants very close together Controlled burn event* * = Controlled burn occurred on 4/30/12; Block A west of the Nature Trail (the fainter line on the map) was burned in addition to all of Block B. Relative abundance (see map at right):

2 Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Ageratina jucunda Native to Florida?: yes NATL common name: hammock snakeroot Recognized by foliage prior to blooming?: yes Phenological observations: Green foliage Flowers Seeds/fruit Dormant, dying, or dead Notes on identification and other noteworthy traits: serrate leaf margins; spade-shaped or triangular leaves; clusters of many small, white flowers at the tops of the shoots; stems often orange-brown in color One plant Several plants very close together Group of many plants very close together Controlled burn event* * = Controlled burn occurred on 4/30/12; Block A west of the Nature Trail (the fainter line on the map) was burned in addition to all of Block B. Relative abundance (see map at right):

3 Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Callicarpa americana Native to Florida?: yes NATL common name: American beautyberry Recognized by foliage prior to blooming?: yes Phenological observations: Green foliage Flowers Seeds/fruit Dormant, dying, or dead Notes on identification and other noteworthy traits: leaves produce a somewhat pungent odor when rubbed; leaves appear to glisten somewhat and have a fuzzy texture; small white-pink-lavender flowers One plant Several plants very close together Group of many plants very close together Controlled burn event* * = Controlled burn occurred on 4/30/12; Block A west of the Nature Trail (the fainter line on the map) was burned in addition to all of Block B. Relative abundance (see map at right):

4 Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Cercis canadensis Native to Florida?: yes NATL common name: Eastern redbud Recognized by foliage prior to blooming?: yes Phenological observations: Green foliage Flowers Seeds/fruit Dormant, dying, or dead Notes on identification and other noteworthy traits: small pink-purple flowers bloom; heart-shaped leaves; long, flat seedpods resemble a beanpod that has been flattened One plant Several plants very close together Group of many plants very close together Controlled burn event* * = Controlled burn occurred on 4/30/12; Block A west of the Nature Trail (the fainter line on the map) was burned in addition to all of Block B. Relative abundance (see map at right):

5 Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Chamaecrista fasciculata Native to Florida?: yes NATL common name: partridge pea Recognized by foliage prior to blooming?: yes Phenological observations: Green foliage Flowers Seeds/fruit Dormant, dying, or dead Notes on identification and other noteworthy traits: short, very dense shrub; bowl-shaped yellow flowers with red- orange-brown throat; pinnately compound, many small leaflets One plant Several plants very close together Group of many plants very close together Controlled burn event* * = Controlled burn occurred on 4/30/12; Block A west of the Nature Trail (the fainter line on the map) was burned in addition to all of Block B. Relative abundance (see map at right):

6 Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Dyschoriste oblongifolia Native to Florida?: yes NATL common name: oblongleaf twinflower Recognized by foliage prior to blooming?: no Phenological observations: Green foliage Flowers Seeds/fruit Dormant, dying, or dead Notes on identification and other noteworthy traits: grows to about 1 tall; purple to white-purple flowers; rounded leaf shape One plant Several plants very close together Group of many plants very close together Controlled burn event* * = Controlled burn occurred on 4/30/12; Block A west of the Nature Trail (the fainter line on the map) was burned in addition to all of Block B. Relative abundance (see map at right):

7 Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Erythrina herbacea Native to Florida?: yes NATL common name: coralbean Recognized by foliage prior to blooming?: yes Phenological observations: Green foliage Flowers Seeds/fruit Dormant, dying, or dead Notes on identification and other noteworthy traits: beautiful red-pink-orange flowers arranged on a flowering stalk; sharp spines sparsely located along stems and leaf undersides; 3-lobed leaves One plant Several plants very close together Group of many plants very close together Controlled burn event* * = Controlled burn occurred on 4/30/12; Block A west of the Nature Trail (the fainter line on the map) was burned in addition to all of Block B. Relative abundance (see map at right):

8 Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Helianthus strumosus Native to Florida?: yes NATL common name: paleleaf woodland sunflower Recognized by foliage prior to blooming?: no Phenological observations: Green foliage Flowers Seeds/fruit Dormant, dying, or dead Notes on identification and other noteworthy traits: yellow- goldenrod flowers; rough texture and purple tinge to stems and leaves One plant Several plants very close together Group of many plants very close together Controlled burn event* * = Controlled burn occurred on 4/30/12; Block A west of the Nature Trail (the fainter line on the map) was burned in addition to all of Block B. Relative abundance (see map at right):

9 Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Indigofera hirsuta Native to Florida?: no NATL common name: hairy indigo Recognized by foliage prior to blooming?: yes Phenological observations: Green foliage Flowers Seeds/fruit Dormant, dying, or dead Notes on identification and other noteworthy traits: red-pink flowers on long flowering stalks; pinnately compound leaves; leaflets rounded and notably fuzzy One plant Several plants very close together Group of many plants very close together Controlled burn event* * = Controlled burn occurred on 4/30/12; Block A west of the Nature Trail (the fainter line on the map) was burned in addition to all of Block B. Relative abundance (see map at right):

10 Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Monarda punctata Native to Florida?: yes NATL common name: spotted beebalm Recognized by foliage prior to blooming?: no Phenological observations: Green foliage Flowers Seeds/fruit Dormant, dying, or dead Notes on identification and other noteworthy traits: scented leaves; white-pink-purple flowers; blotchy coloring of leaves blends with colors of flowers One plant Several plants very close together Group of many plants very close together Controlled burn event* * = Controlled burn occurred on 4/30/12; Block A west of the Nature Trail (the fainter line on the map) was burned in addition to all of Block B. Relative abundance (see map at right):

11 Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Passiflora incarnata Native to Florida?: yes NATL common name: purple passionflower Recognized by foliage prior to blooming?: yes Phenological observations: Green foliage Flowers Seeds/fruit Dormant, dying, or dead Notes on identification and other noteworthy traits: ornate purple flowers with very complex sexual organs; leaves usu. 3- lobed One plant Several plants very close together Group of many plants very close together Controlled burn event* * = Controlled burn occurred on 4/30/12; Block A west of the Nature Trail (the fainter line on the map) was burned in addition to all of Block B. Relative abundance (see map at right):

12 Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Pityopsis graminifolia Native to Florida?: yes NATL common name: narrowleaf silkgrass Recognized by foliage prior to blooming?: yes Phenological observations: Green foliage Flowers Seeds/fruit Dormant, dying, or dead Notes on identification and other noteworthy traits: plant appearance similar to a grass before flowering; bright yellow flowers One plant Several plants very close together Group of many plants very close together Controlled burn event* * = Controlled burn occurred on 4/30/12; Block A west of the Nature Trail (the fainter line on the map) was burned in addition to all of Block B. Relative abundance (see map at right):

13 Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Sabal palmetto Native to Florida?: yes NATL common name: cabbage palm Recognized by foliage prior to blooming?: yes Phenological observations: Green foliage Flowers Seeds/fruit Dormant, dying, or dead Notes on identification and other noteworthy traits: midrib extends all the way down to the tip of the frond; lobes of frond are thicker than those of Sabal minor or Serenoa repens; most of those observed appeared to be quite young (having no trunk yet) One plant Several plants very close together Group of many plants very close together Controlled burn event* * = Controlled burn occurred on 4/30/12; Block A west of the Nature Trail (the fainter line on the map) was burned in addition to all of Block B. Relative abundance (see map at right):

14 Vascular plants of NATLs Upland Pine Sam Hart, Jun.-Dec. 2012 Scientific name: Vernonia angustifolia Native to Florida?: yes NATL common name: tall ironweed Recognized by foliage prior to blooming?: no Phenological observations: Green foliage Flowers Seeds/fruit Dormant, dying, or dead Notes on identification and other noteworthy traits: deep purple-pink flowers are very eye-catching; many very slender leaves all up and down stem; very little to no branching occurring; whorled leaf attachment One plant Several plants very close together Group of many plants very close together Controlled burn event* * = Controlled burn occurred on 4/30/12; Block A west of the Nature Trail (the fainter line on the map) was burned in addition to all of Block B. Relative abundance (see map at right):

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