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Lesson 3 The Spread of Greek Culture

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1 Lesson 3 The Spread of Greek Culture
Chapter 7 Lesson 3 The Spread of Greek Culture

2 I. King Philip of Macedonia
Kingdom of Macedonia lay just north of Greece. Thought of himself as Greek and spoke Greek (The Greeks saw him and his people as barbarians) Maintained ties to Greek neighbors-Dreamed of taking them over-would use diplomacy and force 359 BC. –King Philip took power in Macedonia and united it He then made alliances with Greek city-states using bribes and threats. He built an army better than Sparta’s and used it to begin to take over the Greek city-states

3 Olympia-Alexander’s mother
Philip-Alexander’s father

4 E. 338 BC-Athens and Thebes joined together to try and stop Philip and his army, but were unsuccessful. F. After taking over all of Greece, Philip had plans of attacking Persia. But he was assassinated by a rival in 336 BC G. Philip’s son, Alexander became king at the age of 20

5 II. Alexander’s Empire Alexander had been educated by Aristotle and his hero was Achilles (Illiad) (great appreciation for anything Greek) Alexander’s first action as king was to invade the Persian Empire. The empire was not as powerful as in years past, but it was huge, from Egypt to India 334 BC-He and his armies won their first battle in Persia. They continued through the Persian empire taking over more territory as they fought (fought alongside his men)


7 D. Within 11 years of becoming king, Alexander had conquered Persia, Egypt, and the lands extending beyond the Indus River in the east (p219) E. Alexander established cities in the lands he conquered naming many after himself like Alexandria and Alexandropolis F. Alexander drove himself and his armies hard. His soldiers grumbled but they followed him into every battle G. In Babylon in 323 BC, he came down with a fever and died at age 33. He only had the throne for 13 years

8 {Plutarch reports that he had been plagued by several bad “omens” Others from the time claimed Alexander was poisoned during a drinking binge} H. Within 50 years of his death, the empire was broken into 3 Hellenistic kingdoms run by 3 of Alexander’s former commanders

9 III. Hellenistic Age A. Hellenistic comes from the word Hellas-the name Greeks gave to their land (means Greek like) B. Cities of the Hellenistic world were modeled after Greek cities. The native cultures were not destroyed but were to mix with the Greek. *Greeks held the most power over the local people. C. The Hellenistic city of Alexandria, Egypt was famous as a capital of business, trade, and learning. Founded in 332 BC and known for the lighthouse D. Alexandria had the largest library in the world-(destroyed by a fire in 47 BC and in the 400’s AD by the Romans)

10 E. Math and Science flourished in Alexandria
1. Euclid- Developed geometry in 300BC 2. Eratosthenes-believed Earth was round and calculated the distance around the earth (24, 662,000 miles) (actual size 24,900,000) 3. Archimedes-used pulleys and levers to lift heavy objects 4. Aristarchus-believed the sun is at the center of the universe and Earth revolves around it (heliocentric)

11 F. From the Greeks we get: Language, Math, Science, Literature, Philosophy, Government and Architecture , etc******

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