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Replacing a Survey with Administrative Data

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Presentation on theme: "Replacing a Survey with Administrative Data"— Presentation transcript:

1 Replacing a Survey with Administrative Data
Toward a more accurate, quicker and cheaper data collection method Gergely Horváth Hungarian Central Statistical Office

2 At the doctor This is the phenomenon which we observe Record is made
Date Medicines Diagnoses Etc. (if insurance valid) Regular reports

3 Regular reports Survey of GPs’ services The B300 report Annual survey
Summaries Issues covered Patient flow of the GPs’ services Number and demographics of patients registered to the services Data collection Mail or The B300 report Core: patient flow register of the doctors Compulsory, sent electronically Mainly for accounting purposes Basic data Internal checks NHIFA: National Health Insurance Fund Administration

4 The way of the data Doctor’s register B300 report Stat. report NHIFA

5 Issues Editing, consistency checking Estimations Linkage

6 Editing, consistency checking
Comparison of the editing methodologies of the two surveys Enumerating the additional editing checks needed to assure the high quality of the NHIFA data From manual to automatic, or can we totally skip the editing process? Simulating the data processing methods of the HCSO on the datasets of NHIFA

7 Estimations Having two data sources for the same figures
Describing the differences in the results Analyzing the causes of the most critical discrepancies

8 Linkage Microdata based comparison Identifiers Differences in the data
ID numbers of the GP service 2 type, same length Name of the doctor, address Differences in the data Register and data cleaning issues

9 Acknowledgements Erzsébet Kómár NHIFA Zoltán Csereháti
Ildikó Ferencz-Kiss

10 Thank you for your attention!

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