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on future Cohesion Policy

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1 on future Cohesion Policy
WG Metropolitan areas Brussels April 26th 2017 Policy input on future Cohesion Policy Alfredo Corbalan Chair WG, Brussels-Capital Region

2 What we did for CP ? Short policy statement: Beyond boundaries – FUA matter (3 pages) Background paper: Cities cooperating beyond their boundaries (36 pages) Joint statement Eurocities and Metrex on urban/rural linkages

3 New context What’s new ? MA: reality clearly recognized
MA: reality promoted by CP

4 Why MA matter for future CP?
MA: effective scale for balanced EU development 2. Meet current and future EU challenges 3. pooling ressources and channeling CP

5 Messages General Principles Develop Metropolitan dimension of CP
Involvement metropolitan level in CP Incentive systems to use CP for MA (better co-funding rates) Increase eamarked SUD and conditionality on MA actions OP: specific actions for MA Integrated approaches (no thematic ones) Simplify and reduce adm. burden Top-down and bottom-up: links ITIs and CLLD + multilevel governance + citizen involvement Flexibility : pool of models for implementing CP

6 Messages 2. Support on specific metropolitan issues:
Test new cooperation tools and multi-level governance approaches joint projects and investments; integrated planning and strategies cooperation between different MA and with wider areas Research on future MA trends Exchange and networking on Met cooperation

7 Messages 3. Tools Urban Agenda: partnership on MA (or better inclusion in appropriate partnerships) ITIs: up-scale, long term approach, simplification, real fund integration, flexibility, trust and delegation OPs and territorial cooperation: MA eligible and project at MA level eligible Data collection, analysis and presentation at Met level in EU CP databases National policies: CP foster experimentation to lift barriers for Met cooperation New idea: create an urban agency financing urban and metropolitan action via multiple EU funds (ERDF, ESF, Erasmus, Horizon 2020…)

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