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Methodology - sociodrama

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1 Methodology - sociodrama
Global Heritage –Research Project Tree of Memories Colégio de S. Jerónimo
Largo D. Dinis - Apartado 3087
 Coimbra, Portugal Promoting innovative epistemologies approach on communitarian work and strength methodologies towards a cultural diversity for sustentability Strategic Action Programme : Research focused the promotion of inclusive, innovative and reflexive societies guided by three orientations: Outputs (2017): 32 workshops 4 different countries (Pt, Sp, Mz, Br) 8 research articles (4 journals) Participation on international congresses 3 books 4 Research networks (outreach) Research Programs (Ph.D. – M.Sc.) 1 UNESCO Chair 4 exhibitions (for scholar public) social cohesion under conditions of growing inequalities and repression of cultural diversity; articulation between representative and participatory democracy and corresponding innovations in democratic rules; Strength and reenergized social memory on base of human rights and human dignity. Research Strategy Transnational comparative research in thematic areas (networking) Participatory Research approaches: Putting people first Building Bridges, Connecting People Critical Thinking on cultural polices Multidisciplinary approach studies Qualitative and participatory methodologies Outreach and public impact Work with and for communities Bring social innovation through social emancipatory process Methodology - sociodrama encounter drama awareness

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