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Why don’t you get her a scarf?

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1 Why don’t you get her a scarf?
Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf? Section A (1a---2c)

2 In China when do we usually send gifts to others?
During the Festivals, like the Spring Festival or someone’s birthday. What gifts do we usually send? Cards, books, flowers and so on.

3 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ?
Gifts Giving (讲解) 下一 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ? Section A

4 Tomorrow is my little brother’s birthday
Tomorrow is my little brother’s birthday. I want to get him a gift, but I don’t know what I should get. Please give me some suggestions.

5 Would you mind giving me some advice?
Why don’t you…? Why not…? What about…? How about…? You could get him ……

6 That’s too_____ . sports car personal creative cute
original expensive… [' pə:sənəl ] You could get him a ---- for his birthday? That’s too_____ .

7 That’s not_____ enough.
scarf personal cute original creative special … [' speʃəl ] How about a ----? That’s not_____ enough.

8 That’s not_____ enough.
calendar personal common creative cute original … What about getting him a ----? That’s not_____ enough.

9 That’s too _____. camera
(讲解) camera expensive cheap boring interesting common beautiful … Why don’t you give your brother a ---? That’s too _____. 教学法:词句结合法

10 expensive cheap boring interesting common beautiful …
photo album [' ælbəm] expensive cheap boring interesting common beautiful … Why not give him a ---? That’s _____ . That sounds good.

11 1a What do you think of these gifts?
Write these gifts in the chart. Cheap Expensive Boring Interesting

12 listening

13 1b Listen and number the comments in the order you hear them.
[' kɔment ] That’s too expensive. That’s too boring, too. They’re too cheap. — That’s too boring. camera 3 2 dictionary tennis balls 4 1 scarf

14 2a Listen . In each conversation about gifts , who is the person shopping for ? Put a check ( ) in the correct column. Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Teacher Sister Friend

15 2b Comments Too personal Not special enough Not creative enough
Good idea Sound good She’ll like that

16 2b Listen again and write the suggestions and comments in the chart below.
Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 suggestion 1 a CD comment 1 not special enough suggestion2 comment 2 a scarf a soccer ball not creative enough too personal flowers a calendar a photo album sounds good good idea She’ll like that

17 Situation 1: I argued with my best friend and I want to get her a gift to say sorry. What gift should I get her ? Situation 2 : Fathers’ Day is coming, and I want to give him a surprise. What gift should I get him? Situation 3: Children’s Day is coming. And I have a little sister.What gift should I get her? Pairwork

18 For example: 1. A:What should you get your sister for Children’s Day
For example: 1. A:What should you get your sister for Children’s Day? B: I will give her …. 2. A: Why do you get that for her? B: I think it /they ….and, how about you? What do you think of it/them? A: I think ….

19 Summary Why don’t you do…? Why not do…? What about (doing) …?
How about (doing) …? What should/could I do … Let’s do …. You’d better do … Shall I /we do ….?

20 How to make comments(评论)
good advice bad advice That’s too expensive. Good idea. That sounds good. That sounds great. OK. That’s too personal .(个性化的) That’s too cheap /boring. That’s not creative enough . That’s not special enough .

21 正确形式填空: Exercises: get
1.What should I ____ (get) my mom for her birthday ? 2.Why don’t you ___ (get) her a scarf ? 3.Why not ____ (get) her a scarf ? 4.How/What about (get) her a scarf ? get get getting

22 根据句意选择最佳答案,填在题前的括号里。
( ) 1. What should I get my grandma for her birthday? Why___ you ____ a scarf? A. not, buy B. don’t, buy C. don’t, to buy ( ) 2. Tomorrow is Sunday. How about ______ to visit your grandmother? A. go B. going C. to go ( ) 3.  I want to put these photos in the __________. album B. TV C. soccer ball ( ) 4. Tomorrow is Teachers’ Day. ____give our English teacher some flowers? . A. Let’s B. Why don’t C. Why not

23 As a child, the best gift you give your parents is love!
let's remember As a student, the best gift you give your teachers is studying hard every day! As a child, the best gift you give your parents is love!

24 Homework 1.背诵Section A 2a部分; 2.翻译下列句子: 1)奶奶过生日我应该给她买什么 礼物呢?
1)奶奶过生日我应该给她买什么 礼物呢? 2)这些围巾不够独特。 3)这本相册足够新颖。 4)送手表给他太私人化了。 5)为什么你不给她买个照相机呢?

25 Now, it’s time for us to relax!
Thank you and Goodbye!

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