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Treaty of Tordesillas Columbian Exchange Seven Years’ War

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1 Please make a copy for yourself (into your own Drive), then begin crafting your quilt.
Treaty of Tordesillas Columbian Exchange Seven Years’ War French & Indian War Cotton Mather The Carolinas Hernando Cortez William & Mary College Treaty of Paris 1763 First representative assembly George Whitefield Anglican Church College est. by Anglicans House of Burgesses Lord Baltimore Puritans Dutch Colony Rejected Roman Catholic traditions , wanted to purify church New Amsterdam Proprietary owner of Maryland Transfer of crops , livestock, disease, tech., between New world & Europe “Sinners in the hands of an Angry God” Jonathan Edwards Rebellion in SW killing many Spaniards Lost Colony Ohio Valley Pueblo Revolt Roanoke Autonomy Revolt to object unequal rights by former indenture servants Separatists Creoles Quakers Traveled on Mayflower a.k.a. pilgrims I have the students create their own quilt with terms/identifications. They work in groups of 3-4 to create a 4x9, 6X8, etc array. As an extension activity, once the students put the quilt squares together, I have them identify the “edge” terms in their own words. Born in New World from Iberian parents Bacons Rebellion Pacifists King Philip’s War Native American resistance against whites A City Upon a Hill John Winthrop Colonies provided raw material for manufacturing Mercantilism Reasons of Exploration Mestizos Charter Colony Triangular Trade Middle Colonies Harvard

2 Please make a copy for yourself (into your own Drive), then begin crafting your quilt.
Goods from Europe Slaves from Africa Raw material from new world Established by members of a corporation Metis John Locke First American College New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware Defend harsh treatment of natives, based on them being uncivilized Pre-Columbian Atlantic Seabord Native Americans Gov. must protect the ppl. if not ppl. have the right to overthrow Smallpox Glorious Revolution Juan de Sepulveda Iroquois New England Trade Middle colonial trade Slave Codes Laws based on color Known as the “bread basket” Fur, timber, & fish Children of Native Americans and French Mayflower Compact Indentured Servitude Passage to New World in return for years of labor Slave status inherited by children Town Meeting Established government by majority Chattel Calvinism Searched for route to Asia Roger Williams Royal Colony Dutch/Iroquois VS. French/Algonquian I have the students create their own quilt with terms/identifications. They work in groups of 3-4 to create a 4x9, 6X8, etc array. As an extension activity, once the students put the quilt squares together, I have them identify the “edge” terms in their own words. Christopher Columbus Rhode Island Complete religious Toleration Beaver Wars Governor selected by England’s King Act of Toleration Protected Catholics from religious persecution Children of Spanish and African parents Mulattos Salem Witch Trials Anne Hutchinson Women convicted & put to death because of Witchcraft Enlightenment Pennsylvania Salutary Neglect Headright System Encomienda System

3 Please make a copy for yourself (into your own Drive), then begin crafting your quilt.
Created to offer refuge to Quakers, offered religious toleration to all Colonies allowed to develop without Parliaments interference Dominion of New England John Peter Zenger Spanish exploitation of Native Americans Promised 50 Acres of Land Southwest Natives Pre-Columbian Est. legal precedent for freedom of the press Religious revivals, emphasized faith & repentance Three Sisters Halfway Covenant Pueblos Great Awakening Fundamental Orders Proprietary New England Colonies New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut Connecticut colony Colonies owned by individuals Created by James II, governed by Edmund Andros St. Augustine, FL First Permanent European settlement in New World shipped from New World can only go to Britain Goods Area between the Mississippi Rv. & Rocky Mts. John Rolfe Navigation Acts Great Plains Middle Passage Praying Indians James Oglethorpe Maroons South Colonia Trade Christian conversion of natives by Puritan missionaries I have the students create their own quilt with terms/identifications. They work in groups of 3-4 to create a 4x9, 6X8, etc array. As an extension activity, once the students put the quilt squares together, I have them identify the “edge” terms in their own words. Africans who escape slavery & try to preserve traditions Indigo, Tobacco Georgia Jamestown 1607 Virginia Company of London Stono Rebellion Slave Revolt in South Carolina Dutch West India co. giving land to for transport of Families to New World Patroon System William Bradford Bartolome de las Casas Peninsulares Chesapeake Colonies Pequot War Joint-Stock Companies

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