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Greater Manchester Cancer

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1 Greater Manchester Cancer
Implementation of Prehab4Cancer Dr John Moore Clinical Director for Prehab and recovery

2 @mysurgeryandme
Advice: -Activity -Muscle strengthening -Chest training -Nutritional -Wellbeing -Anaemia management

3 Improving Surgical Care

4 @Prehab4cancer for Lung
GM Cancer Prehab and Recovery @Prehab4cancer for Lung

5 What can we do

6 Regional and National expert group Deliver Prehab to 2000 patients
GM Cancer Prehab and Rehab Psychological Nutritional Prehab4cancer Exercise Intervention FITT Regional and National expert group Single referral point 48 hour reply GM wide coverage Deliver Prehab to 2000 patients Upper GI Lung Our 87 leisure and sport facilities are based in neighbourhoods across the city region (33% are in the 10% most deprived neighbourhoods in the country) We see 30million visits every year and contribute to the economy through over £100million in combined expenditure. We run a number of targeted programmes which support around 30,000 users per annum. Colorectal Universal prehab Specialised prehab Head and Neck World leading outcomes

7 Elective Cancer surgical patient
Days Weeks Elective Surgery Complications Later Complications Failure to recover FITNESS HIGH 2 year mortality Elective Cancer surgical patient 2-year mortality

8 VA hospitals >100,000 patients 1990-1991 NASQIP
Review of 8 operations and complications Colorectal Upper gi Vascular Over eight years follow-up 30 day follow-op

9 Dutch study 4400 patients 6 year follow-up
45% having medium – high risk surgery Looking at what patients died from

10 No complications Self-limiting complication – small wound dehiscence not requiring intervention Complications requiring intervention- ABS for pneumonia, wound infection – re-operation Major complication – organ failure, associated wiit residual diablity More severe complications more impact on survival Later deaths commonly CVS and cancer

11 Why patients die later after surgery
Normal recovery Loss of lean muscle Altered immune function Complicated recovery Cytokine and oxygen free radical induces apoptosis – reduces organ function Accelerated atherosclerosis

12 Immediate Reduced functional reserve Longer term consequences
Peri-op cardiac event reduces cardiac function Persistent peri-operative inflammation accelerates cardiovascular atherosclerosis and plaque instability Cognitive dysfunction CVA Longer term cognitive dysfunction CVA Acute Neuromuscular weakness Prolonged disability

13 What can we do Improve care delivery of surgical services =ERAS+/ERAS Patient and family preparation and recovery = PREHAB

14 the cancer surgical pathway
PATHWAY innovation the cancer surgical pathway Measure MORBIDITY PREHAB REHAB 90 day mortality 2 year mortality PATIENT OUTCOMES Prehab4cancer Prehab4cancer QOL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL COMMUNITY

15 Improving Surgical Care

16 our team


18 Optimising medical health

19 I COUGH Incentive spirometry Coughing Oral Healthcare Understanding Getting out of bed Head of bed elevation I COUGH: reducing postoperative pulmonary complications with a multidisciplinary patient care program Cassidy MR JAMA Surg. 2013 Aug;148(8):740-5.

20 Surgery school

Surgery is a big thing for your body and we need to get you as fit as possible Lets get your lungs fit and ready for surgery FAMILY AND FRIENDS NUTRITION Your body is getting ready for Surgery - need to eat well YOU will benefit from good support to help with your prep and recovery



24 50% reduction 3 day LOS reduction = 500K
Moore et al, Anaesthesia 2016 (in print) Moore et al Anaesthesia 72(3) · March 2017

25 >70% + would like to trial digital support
It needs to be simple




29 Prehab Preparation for planned body stressor Physical activity Nutrition Well-being

30 A systematic review of trials investigating the effectiveness of preoperative exercise for patients undergoing a range of oncological surgery Most benefit for Lung Cancer Surgery


32 Summary of prehab Evidence so far
We can improve fitness but in studies difficult to relate to improved outcomes and tends to excludes least fit for prehab Highly likely stronger benefit in higher risk patients. We need multi-modal prehab


34 Dose of exercise intervention fitT principle
Frequency Intensity Time – duration of session Type of exercise

35 @Prehab4cancer for Lung
GM Cancer Prehab and Recovery @Prehab4cancer for Lung


37 What can we do


39 High Medium Low Surgical risk More frail 50-60% complications
Highest mortality short and long-term

40 Specialised Targeted Universal PREHAB INTERVENTION More frail
50-60% complications Highest mortality short and long-term Can we get NHS England to recognise period of PREHAB as care for these patients





45 Regional and National expert group
Exercise Intervention FITT Regional and National expert group Prehab4Cancer team led by Kirsty and her team 60 level 3-4 PT trained in the exercise intervention Exercise combination of CVS endurance and strengthening Supported by UK Active Progressive programme KPI - Aiming for 3 sessions minimum per week Psychological Nutritional

46 90 day hospital length of stay
GM Cancer Prehab and Rehab Lung Cancer Surgery Phase 1 Evaluation points (6MWT, Strength, EQ5D, self efficacy) PREHAB 01 90 day hospital length of stay REHAB PREHAB 2 year mortality

47 GM Cancer Prehab and Rehab Surgery Phase 1
Prehab4cancer launches 25th April 115 patients referred to programme since launch >90% patients taking part 14 evaluation sessions across GM Reason for Not Participating: Patient too high risk for exercise in community Unable to contact patient Already active with private gym and declined the offer Declined the programme

48 GM Cancer Prehab and Rehab Lung Cancer Surgery Phase 1
Prehab4cancer launches 25th April 34 patients referred to programme >90% patients taking part For less fit patients we are only averaging 2.2 sessions/week Reframe this as Exercise Dose

49 90 day hospital length of stay
GM Cancer Prehab and Rehab Non-surgical Lung Cancer Chemo/Dxt Phase 1 Evaluation points (6MWT, Strength, EQ5D, self efficacy) 90 day hospital length of stay 2 year mortality

50 90 day hospital length of stay
GM Cancer Prehab and Rehab Non-surgical Lung Cancer Chemo/Dxt Phase 1 Evaluation points (6MWT, Strength, EQ5D, self efficacy) PREHAB 01 90 day hospital length of stay REHAB PREHAB 2 year mortality

51 GM Cancer Prehab and Rehab Lung Cancer Surgical and then chemo Phase 1
Evaluation points (6MWT, Strength, EQ5D, self efficacy) PREHAB 01 REHAB PREHAB



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