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Indirect Hyperbilirubinemia at birth – Is it all physiological?

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Presentation on theme: "Indirect Hyperbilirubinemia at birth – Is it all physiological?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Indirect Hyperbilirubinemia at birth – Is it all physiological?
Presenter: Smita Malhotra - Apollo Hospital, New Delhi Moderator: Anupam Sibal Pediatric Gastroenterologist , Apollo Hospital, New Delhi Panelists Ujjal Poddar Pediatric Gastroenterologist, SGPGI, Lucknow Girish Gupte Pediatric Hepatologist, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, UK Alka Jadhav Pediatric Gastroenterologist, LTMGH, Sion, Mumbai

2 Indirect hyperbilirubinemia at birth Is it all physiological?
Dr. Smita Malhotra Apollo Centre for Advanced Pediatrics Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi

3 Product of consanguineous marriage
27 months Female Qatar Product of consanguineous marriage

4 Jaundice since D2 of life

5 Total Bilirubin 25 mg% Indirect Bilirubin 23.2 mg%

6 High Indirect Bilirubin Direct coomb’s test Positive
Increased Hb/HaematocritDelayed cord clamping Maternal foetal or twin – twin transfusion Direct coomb’s test Positive Coomb’s test negative Isoimmunization Rh incompatibility ABO incompatibility Minor group incompatibility Normal / Low – Hb/Hct. RBC – normal Reticulocyte count – normalExtravascular blood - Cephalhaematoma, Bruises Increased entero – hepatic circulation Pyloric stenosis Intestinal obstruction Swallowed blood Metabolic / Endocrine problems Criggler – Najjar syndrome Hypothyroidism Breast milk jaundice etc RBC Morphology abnormal High reticulocyte countABO incompatibility G6PD deficiency α – thalassaemia Spherocytosis / Elliptocytosis Disseminated intravascular coagulation (D.I.C.)

7 No hematoma No blood group incompatibility No evidence of sepsis No evidence of hemolysis CBC/PS/Retic’s/G6PD/DCT LFT normal TFT normal

8 Multiple exchange transfusions Mutation analysis in Europe at 4 months
? Criggler Najjar Syndrome type 1 Phototherapy Multiple exchange transfusions Mutation analysis in Europe at 4 months

9 Phototherapy for 18 hours/day Bilirubin 16-18 mg/dl
Home phototherapy Phototherapy for 18 hours/day Bilirubin mg/dl

10 LT advised at IAH at 1 year of age
LDLT at 27 months

11 At admission Weight 14.8 kg Deeply icteric No organomegaly No ascites
Unsteady gait LL power 4/5 Ankle jerk weak Plantars flexor

12 Indirect hyperbilirubinemia
Total bilirubin mg/dL, direct 0.53 AST 41 U/l ALT 46 U/l Alkaline phosphatase 218 Prothrombin time 12.4 sec

13 Pediatric neurologist
BERA – Normal MRI brain Altered signal intensity in putamen Pediatric neurologist Cleared for LRLT Neurological improvement likely

14 Pre transplant evaluation
Nutritional status Vaccination

15 Complete haemogram Cultures Coagulation studies KFT Thyroid function tests Urine P/Cr ratio

16 Viral markers CXR ECG ECHO Dental clearance ENT clearance

17 USG doppler Normal span of liver and spleen Normal flow pattern in PV/HA/HV CT angiography abdomen

18 Segment II and III graft from the left lobe
Donor- Father Recovered well Discharged 21 days after liver transplantation

19 Post transplant 5 years post transplant doing well with normal liver function and a serum bilirubin of 0.8 mg/dL Neurological status- normal




23 Criggler Najjar syndrome
Inborn error of liver metabolism Rare (I in 1,000,000) and severe AR disorder UGT1A1 mutation Hereditary nonhemolytic unconjugated jaundice

24 Type 1 Complete absence of UGT activity Bil mg/dl Risk for kernicterus Type 2 Partial enzyme activity Inducible with phenobarbitone Lower bilirubin levels

25 High-performance liquid chromatography of bile
Tissue enzyme assay of a liver biopsy sample Mutation studies

26 Treatment Phototherapy Exchange transfusions LT- only definitive Rx
Future options Hepatocyte transplant Gene therapy

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