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Year One Transition meeting

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1 Year One Transition meeting

2 Changes from YR New curriculum Mastery Maths
Higher level of independent challenge & expectation Skills focus within continuous provision More independence – choosing own books Spellings to learn at home Writing Club Creative afternoon

3 A typical day Time Activity Explanation 8.50 – 9.15 Maths fluency
9.15 – 9.30 Assembly 9.30 – 10.30 Mastery Maths Whole class lesson Brain Break Daily Mile Playtime Whole class snack 10.40 – 11.15 English activities Guided writing Handwriting Spelling & grammar Comprehension Independent writing 11.15 – 12.00 Choice and Challenge Skills based focus Indoor and outdoor Independent learning Lunchtime 1.00 – 1.20 Phonics Foundation input/guided comprehension 1.15 – 2.30 Choice and challenge Rolling snack and milk Whole class story time

4 Home Learning Spellings
- Set of common exception words given each half term to focus on. - Children will have 20 min spelling time each week in school. - Parents will be made aware of any words that children continue to struggle with. - Sentence writing activity will be provided for some children. Termly maths challenges Mathletics Regular reading and recording in reading diaries Phonics folder Occasional home learning projects (see topic letters)

5 How can I help? Summer holidays
Regular reading (library summer challenge) Holiday postcards Number recognition & number fact recall Ongoing Daily reading Common exception words spellings Phonics revision Maths fluency and games

6 Communication Please contact and these will be forwarded to class teachers where appropriate. Catch at the door at the end of the day Check website regularly – subject pages Follow on twitter Termly letters (x3) Year group noticeboard

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