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*Answer as a table on your whiteboard

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1 *Answer as a table on your whiteboard
AC SS - Bellringer for Materials Needed Pencil Notebooks Who is responsible for overthrowing President Batista during the Cuban Revolution, and what form of government did he bring to Cuba? *Answer as a table on your whiteboard


3 Missiles’ Range © Brain Wrinkles

4 Embargo Due to the harsh events, US placed an embargo on goods from Cuba in 1962. Cuba’s sugar cane crop could no longer be sold in the US, which hurt Cuba’s economy. As a result of the embargo, poor harvests, and bad government planning, Cuba’s economy has become very poor.

5 October 23, 1962: President Kennedy signs the bill to place a trade embargo on Cuba.


7 Today There is still an embargo on goods to/from Cuba.
However, in 2015, the US government began to relax travel restrictions specifically for students and missionaries to Cuba.

8 Today In April 2019, President Trump tightened restrictions once again stating that to loosen them during the Obama administration was “terrible and misguided.” U.S. citizens will now be allowed to sue anyone “trafficking” in property that was expropriated from U.S. citizens in the 1959 revolution Brought back limits on the amounts of money that Cuban Americans can send to relatives on the island and how often Ordered new restrictions on travel to Cuba by U.S. citizens

9 Cuban Embargo: For or Against

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