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L4 Working Group The saga continues….

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Presentation on theme: "L4 Working Group The saga continues…."— Presentation transcript:

1 L4 Working Group The saga continues…

2 Level 4 Working group Phase One: Level 4 Conceptual Framework
Phase Two: Applying the Theory behind the Framework to Practice

3 Applying the Theory behind the Framework
Put examples of testing protocols on BILC website. Prototype of Level 4 test in all 4 skills Prototype to be developed in 4 stages: Reading first, then Listening and Speaking Working Group members will suggest texts and items to be included in the prototype Chosen items will then be piloted in 3-4 Nations and evaluated

4 Applying the Theory behind the Framework
Item types will be piloted in the process Texts to include defense related, political, societal, scientific, economic, etc. topics of a sophisticated (registers from highly formal to highly informal nature) but non-specialist nature Testing techniques to be determined Update in Bruges

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