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TRM Reporting Training – Yasmine

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1 TRM 2018 - Reporting Training – 29-11-2017 Yasmine
Updated –

2 How to achieve Group Reporting?

3 Registrants / Attendees

4 Registrants / Attendees
Create the campaign in SFDC – Option 1 1- Search the word “template” in the search bar and select the type of campaign you are doing: 2- Click on “Clone” and amend: Campaign Name – Respect Naming convention Description: speakers, venue, topics… Budget Start and End dates Status Tick the “Active” box Parent campaign - In this TRM specific case: Group-TRM18-FY1718-Webinar-Campaign-Nov17 Yasmine

5 Registrants / Attendees
Create the campaign in SFDC – Option 2 1- Create a completely New campaign 2- Edit: Campaign Name – Respect Naming convention Campaign Type – Lead generation Campaign Currency Description: speakers, venue, topics… Budget Start and End dates Status Tick the “Active” box Parent campaign - In this TRM specific case: Group-TRM18-FY1718-Webinar-Campaign-Nov17 Yasmine

6 Registrants / Attendees
Create the campaign in SFDC – Option 2 3- Click on Advanced set-up 4- Add the necessary status for your campaign and select the one you consider being a positive response. E.G. Yasmine

7 Registrants / Attendees
Sync your contacts with SFDC and update statuses *Pre-requisite 1: Have your contact sync from SFDC to Eloqua *Pre-requisite 2: Have your lead assignment rules define in SFDC – if not it will be a manual process. Reach Carmelo to put this in place Yasmine

8 Registrants / Attendees
Sync your contacts with SFDC and update statuses Your campaign steps should be as such: Yasmine You can add many SFDC steps according to the status you want to track

9 Registrants / Attendees
Sync your contacts with SFDC and update statuses What you’ll see in SFDC Yasmine

10 Requested Follow-Up

11 Requested Follow-Up The basic
Collect the answers from a question asked in the after-webinar survey such as  ”Would you like to be contacted by one of our representative on how we can support you in drafting your travel risk policy?”

12 Go further: Create and track tasks in SFDC
Requested Follow-Up Go further: Create and track tasks in SFDC *Pre-requisite: Make sure all the contacts who requested to be contacted are sync with SFDC and assigned to the right BDM Create a segment in Eloqua with those who requested to be contacted Create a campaign like this one:

13 Go further: Create and track tasks in SFDC
Requested Follow-Up Go further: Create and track tasks in SFDC 3- Set up the SFDC Camapign association 4- Set up Form Submit = Choose Eloqua form: !!CREATE SFDC TASK 5- Filled out the Eloqua Form fields – see next slide 6- Activate the Campaign 7- Create a report in SFDC to keep track of the tasks

14 Go further: Create and track tasks in SFDC
Requested Follow-Up Go further: Create and track tasks in SFDC 5- Filled out the fields Limited number of characters DD/MM/YYYY Campaign ID Have a clear call to action and a name that you can easily report on You can choose other SFDC Type

15 Go further: Create and track tasks in SFDC
Requested Follow-Up Go further: Create and track tasks in SFDC For a successful follow-up by the BDMs, make sure they understand what they have to do with the task and how: 1- Change task status when the act on it 2-add what they did in the description In SFDC:

16 Opportunities

17 Opportunities 2 types of opportunities:
Generated directly by the campaign Influenced by the campaign

18 Generated directly by the campaign
Opportunities Generated directly by the campaign 1- Make sure you BDMs populated the field « Primary Campaign Source » with your campaign when it had a direct impact on their sale At opportunity level Key to success: Explain to your BDMs how to do so and why it is relevant At campaign level

19 Generated directly by the campaign
Opportunities Generated directly by the campaign 2- Create a report 3- Make sure you have the right dates and filter with your campaign name 4- To be able to give group the necessary information make sure you have at least in your column: Opportunity type (account extension/new customer…) Opportunity Stage (Close won, in progress…) Total Revenue 5- Export and create a pivot table in Excel

20 Influenced by the campaign
Opportunities Influenced by the campaign 1- Populate the information: Option 1: Campaign have been added manually Option 2: The person in the « Contact Role » section is a member of one of your campaign and so the « campagin influenced » is populated automatically

21 Influenced by the campaign
Opportunities Be careful with this report as the same opportunity can be there many times. Influenced by the campaign 2- Create a report: 3- Make sure you have the right dates and filter with your campaign name 4- Make sure you only select « Responded » 5- To be able to give group the necessary information make sure you have at least in your column: 6- Export in Excel 7- Remove duplicate opportunities based on the opportunity ID 8- Create a pivot table in Excel

22 Analytics

23 Email Analytics Option 1 Go in Dashboards Type your email name
Get the stats

24 Email Analytics Option 2
Go in your settings and click on Insight Reports Then look at the stats * For other stats (number of click per link + who unsubscribe/open/click), you can click on « Operational Report »

25 Email Analytics Go further Go in Insight Choose Email
Choose the report you would like to see. E.G. Select date range and your Look at your stats

26 Form Submission

27 Form Submission Go in Insight Choose FORM
Choose Form Submission Overview Select date range and your

28 Form Submission 5. Look at your stats

29 Any new emails gathered via this campaign
New contacts Any new s gathered via this campaign

30 New contacts Fortunately, for this campaign: Group is taking care of it for you.  Programs: TRM2018_Group_Lead allocation program_Amélie

31 Media Coverage and Social Media
Reporting centralised by Group

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