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SIMPLE STEPS TO Worksite Wellness

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Presentation on theme: "SIMPLE STEPS TO Worksite Wellness"— Presentation transcript:

1 SIMPLE STEPS TO Worksite Wellness
5 SIMPLE STEPS TO Worksite Wellness Connection to ? Why are you attending this session? Expectations? Some (limited) ww in Can I assume that attendees have a desire to develop, implement, sustain ww initiatives? What success and challenges have come out of 1305 and 1422 related work?

2 Impactful Worksite Wellness
Coordinated and comprehensive Programs Policies Benefits Environmental supports Links to the surrounding community Make special note of the word comprehensive. Comprehensive worksite wellness includes policies, benefits, environmental supports, and links to community resources

3 1. Establish a Solid Foundation 2. Assess to Inform Planning 3
1 Establish a Solid Foundation 2 Assess to Inform Planning 3 Provide Education 4 Create Supportive Environments 5 Connect with Community Resources

4 1 Establish a Solid Foundation select a champion
Secure and align leadership support form a representative team define your mission, your “why”

5 2 Assess to Inform Planning Designing Healthy Environments
at Work (DHEW) on-line assessment and action planning tools employee interest survey Wellness Champions, corporate leaders, wellness teams need to consider what kind of data will be most valuable to them in developing strategies and interventions. As a starting point, MDHHS offers a Designing Healthy Environments suite of tools on the DHEW website. these tools are available free of charge on The assessment is designed to help employers evaluate the extent to which their workplace policies and environment encourage and support employees in making healthy lifestyle choices Let’s take a look at the DHEW assessment

6 Based on CDC Scorecard (do a click through)

7 Designing Healthy Environments at Work A Suite of Tools and Resources
An environmental workplace assessment Feedback report Employee interest survey Action planning tool Participant feedback survey Resource Guide Worksite Wellness Provider list Success stories

8 3 Provide Education Michigan Healthier Tomorrow Wellness Starter Kit
Insurance plan benefits

9 MI Healthier Tomorrow in the Worksite
Display sample Starter Kit

10 4 Create a Supportive Environment
Based on DHEW Action Plan, make one change, such as: implement Healthy Meeting Guidelines go tobacco-free post signs that encourage use of stairs Explain what Healthy Meeting Guidelines are.


12 5 Connect with Community Resources YMCA
farmers markets, community supported agriculture parks and recreation Local hospitals and health systems And don


14 Additional Resources WELCOA USDA ChooseMyPlate
National Business Group on Health Center for Disease Control and Prevention American Heart Association, Cancer Society

15 Beth Jabin

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