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The 11th Hour Introduction.

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1 The 11th Hour Introduction

2 Today: Students will explore montages and how they convey emotions
Goals: Focus Questions Students will explore montages and how they convey emotions Students will continue to analyze persuasion techniques Through multiple viewings of the opening sequence of a documentary, students will analyze how images and sound can convey a documentarian’s intent and evoke a strong response in a viewer. How doe people create arguments? How do filmmakers use persuasive techniques to convey their perspectives? Can activism be combined with a documentary without compromising the truth?

3 Ethics in Documentaries
Watch the following clip which shows a documentarian explaining the delicate balance of filmmaker and subject. I Then answer the question.

4 People pleasing vs. telling the truth vs. telling the story
Which do you think is most important for a documentary? There’s no right or wrong answer here. Is it possible to “do justice” to the story, present “characters” truthfully, and not hurt people’s feelings?

5 What is a montage? Examine the Montage example clip:
What emotions does the clip evoke? Visual track- primary/archival footage Audio track- Diegetic/non diegetic sounds, dialogue/narration Text

6 What is a montage? #2 Examine the Montage example #2 clip:
What emotions does the clip evoke? Visual track- primary/archival footage Audio track- Diegetic/non diegetic sounds, dialogue/narration Text

7 What is the purpose of a montage?
Why bother making one? What do montages do?

8 The 11th Hour (previewing the text
Looking at the title and the cover, what are your expectations about the documentary? What might these symbols represent?

9 The 11th Hour We will watch the opening 3 times:
1st: with the sound off. It is a powerful sequence of images. Jot down your immediate reaction to the montage. 2nd: “Slow-Mo”. List as many of the images you see on your paper. Explains the sequence of images. What is suggested by the order? 3rd: Sound on. The sound is as powerful as the series of images. After viewing, write the effects of sound on the images. Revisit logos, ethos, and pathos.

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