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Presentation on theme: "YOUR ULTIMATE SOLUTION FOR AGRICULTURAL PROJECTS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agricultural turn-key projects: Planning, construction and on-going management Green 2000 Ltd. Main Activities:

3 Agricultural supplies: Seeds, pesticides, growing substrates, irrigation equipment, machinery, greenhouses and greenhouse technology Marketing: Fresh produce marketing – in cooperation with Adafresh Ltd. /Adafresh B.V.

4 AGRICULTURAL PROJECTS – FROM IDEA TO REALITY 1. Identification of the clients needs 2. Characterization of local conditions: Soil characteristics Climate conditions Existing infrastructure Local Human resources Local agriculture Logistics Markets

5 3. Project funding 4. Project planning: Agronomic planning Engineering planning Logistic planning

6 5. Coordinating plans with the client 6. Setting up the project 7. Project management 8. Marketing the project production

7 VARIOUS TYPES OF PROJECTS: Irrigation infrastructure Protected cultivation Open-field crops Food processing lines Livestock projects Poultry farms Aquaculture projects

8 Countries of Activities : Israel USA Mexico Kazakhastan Russia Argentina

9 Research center- Central Arava, Israel

10 Vegetables Farms- Israel

11 Pomegranate Project- Argentina

12 Greenhouses in Texas USA

13 Greenhouses in Mexico

14 Milk processing plant Ural- Russia

15 Kazakhstan Greenhouses renovation

16 Kyrgyzstan Potatoes project

17 CIS- Food processing plants

18 Projects Planning, Set-Up, Know-How & On-Going Management AGRICULTURAL PROJECTS IN AFRICA

19 Countries of Activities - Africa: Guinea Equatorial Angola Zambia Nigeria Ivory Coast South-Africa Kenya Ghana Ethiopia Chad


21 Main targets: 4. Creating new employment sources 5. 5.Production of Agricultural products: Local and Export 6. Replacing the agricultural products import 3. Developing rural area provinces 1. Developing the Agro potential production 2. Creating training centers for Agriculture

22 ASTC – Plateau State, Nigeria Training Agricultur al Service & Training Center Agricultural Services Input supplies Post harvest

23 The Training center, R&D center and Regional know-How center Activities: Extension services Seeds & Fertilizers supply to the private sector, increasing the income of the small scale farmers. Private farm maintenance Courses and Lectures Agro-machinery workshop services

24 Main Garage


26 Tool Shed

27 Local Fields

28 Agricultural Training Center

29 Students Dormitories

30 Water & Landscape

31 NZogy-Agricultural School Angola

32 Auditorium

33 Planting Vegetables

34 Bio-Diesel – Nigeria Jatropha – For oil production


36 Catinda-Vegetables & Fruits Farm

37 Terra-Verde Vegetables Production

38 Terra-Verde Management Team

39 Pumping Station

40 Water Reservoir

41 Packing-House

42 Nursery

43 Fruit-Trees Nursery

44 Bananas

45 Apples

46 Grapes

47 Peppers

48 Production Greenhouse Tomatoes

49 Production - Greenhouse Peppers

50 Avinova-Poultry Farm

51 Feed-Mill


53 Eggs Packing Unit

54 Slaughter House

55 Marketing

56 Roses farm

57 Flowers Packing-House

58 dairy-farming

59 Milking Parlor

60 Milk Processing Plant

61 Food Center for Dairy

62 Ghana – Surveying for new Tilapia fish farm

63 Jamaica 146 different earth ponds for Tilapia and fingerlings production

64 Brazil – Flow through Super intensive system for tilapia growth

65 Brazil – Fish processing plant

66 Pumping Station Construction

67 Pumping Station

68 Generators-Pumping Station

69 Fazenda MatoGrosso Field Crops Farm

70 Potatoes Planting

71 Sweet Potatoes

72 Corn-Seeding

73 Grain Harvesting

74 Lettuce & Cabbage

75 Production Open-Field Peppers

76 Production - Watermelon

77 Marketing

78 Marketing

79 Marketing

80 … Beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks … … Beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks … Isaiah, Chpt.2:4 Isaiah, Chpt.2:4

81 Reward in Belgium

82 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION 12 Topaz St. Cluster 11, PO Box 4193, Caesarea 38900, Israel +972-4-6363506.;


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