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Children are given to us on loan for a very short period of time. They come to us like a packet of seeds a packet of seeds with no guarantees We do not.

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Presentation on theme: "Children are given to us on loan for a very short period of time. They come to us like a packet of seeds a packet of seeds with no guarantees We do not."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children are given to us on loan for a very short period of time. They come to us like a packet of seeds a packet of seeds with no guarantees We do not know what they will look like, act like or have the potential to become. potential to become. Our job, like gardeners is to meet their needs as best as we can and give proper nourishment, give proper nourishment, love, attention, caring and hope for the best ! Welcome Parents Seminar on CHILD BRAIN DEVELOPMENT & ESSENTIAL PRESCHOOLING

2 The whole brain 90% people use less than 10% of their brain Roger Sperry, distinguished Nobel Laureate, proposed the whole brain theory Genius activates more of the brain

3 Genius by age 6 Glenn Doman, noted researcher on child development, concluded that the brain is hard-wired by 6 years age Thus the preschool is critical to nurture genius

4 Creating genius The Complete School Glenn DomanSwami Sukhabodhananda Left brainRight brain Whole brain development

5 Do you feel that your children are doing as well as you expected them to ?

6 Point of View The College Professor says- Such rawness in pupil is a Shame, Lack of preparation in High School is to blame The High School Teacher says- Good heavens such crudity, The boy is a fool, the fault of course is the middle school The Middle School Teacher says- From such stupidity may I be spared They send them to me so unprepared The Primary Teacher says- Kindergarten blockheads you call that preparation? Worse than none at all The Kindergarten Teacher says- Such lack of training never did I see What kind of mother that mother must be The Mother has the final word She says - Poor helpless child, he is not to blame, His fathers people are all the same!

7 Physical milestones At 3 months a baby rolls… By 6 months she crawls… At 9 months she sits… Around 12 months she walks!

8 Mental milestones Even if we cant see them… They are still happening!

9 Development Source: Dr BS Bloom, University of Chicago

10 Did you know… It is easy and joyful to teach… A 12 month old to read and understand A 28 month old to write A new born infant how to swim An 18 month old how to do gymnastics An 18 month old how to play the violin or piano An 18 month old about birds, flowers, trees, insects An 18 month old about kings, presidents, countries, flags An 18 month old how to draw and paint And much more… Extracted from Glenn Domans book How to multiply your babys intelligence

11 If you teach even ONE of these, the intelligence of the child rises If you teach SEVERAL of these, the intelligence of the child rises sharply If you teach ALL of these with joy, love and respect, the intelligence of the child is multiplied Extracted from Glenn Domans book How to multiply your babys intelligence

12 6 months onwards Infancy program Mother toddler program

13 Seeing Hearing Talking Observation Communication Listening We have abilities We need to convert abilities into Skills Reading Comprehension

14 For example CarDog EsteemPug

15 At Birth 100 Billion Neurons 50 Trillion Synapses At 6 Months 1000 Trillion Synapses Synapse Within the first 10 years synapses should be made strong for the genius to emerge Synapses become stronger by repeated use… Weaker synapses die and are lost forever Children are gifted


17 Example: Languages Mother tongueOther tongue in other schools -Write - Write -Read - Read -Speak - Speak -Imitate - Imitate -Understand ??? What is going on in -Listen ordinary schools?

18 Is it possible… To get maize when you plant wheat… To get guava juice when you squeeze oranges… To get genius when you input confusion?

19 It is possible… To be good in academics Skilled Confident All rounder Yes, with the right mental food at the right time!

20 Millions saw an apple fall… Only Newton asked why?

21 Not by chance Learning is by choice The choice to seek answers Children learn not from the questions they ask, but from the answers they get

22 Children retain And 100% of what they sing or learn through stories!

23 Learning You remember nursery rhymes but not Keats You remember Akbar-Birbal but not Archimedes Principle Even though you thought your brain was better in college Because you sung them; heard the stories Heres how we do it…

24 Learning How to draw a rectangle

25 Learning

26 80 % @ Home 20 % @ School Learning @ home

27 Effective parenting What you can do at home Make learning fun for the child and a joy for you

28 Gifts for a lifetime Attitude Skills Reading Habit Knowledge Languages Gifts for a short time Clothes Toys Ice Creams Chocolates Fixed Deposits Expressing love through gifts

29 Right brain development Making people both efficient and effective Children learn at preschool what we try to learn later in corporate life


31 Integrated Personality Intelligence Quotient Emotional Quotient Spiritual Quotient

32 The difference

33 Many Concerned Parents Want To Give Their Children That Extra

34 How about You?

35 Contact us for FREE parent counselling sessions and seminars for parents

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