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Welcome to Primary Orientation!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Primary Orientation!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Primary Orientation!
Tuesday, June 5, 2018

2 Welcome

Grades P-6 Approximately 180 students including pre-primary 8 classrooms Built in 1968

4 First Day of School 7:50 - on the playground 8:00 - bell rings
8:10 - classes begin Thursday, September 5th, 2019

5 Humber Park Website

6 Staff of Humber Park Principal – Ms. White
Vice Principal – Mr. MacDonald Secretary – Ms. Holly Pelley Caretaker – Mr. Blois Primary/One teachers – Mrs. Erin Clarke & TBA Music Teacher – Ms. Stone Phys. Ed. – Mr. Crossley

7 First Day – Entering the School
It is extremely important that parents allow children to enter the building on their own. This cuts down the traffic in the hallways, lessens confusion, and foster independence and sets the school routines. Take a picture of them, wish them good luck, kiss them, and say good bye 

8 Registration Forms During the first week of school a computer generated registration form will be sent home with your child It is very important that you carefully check over this information and send the signed form back to your child’s classroom teacher. Fill out the ‘Self-identification’ on the registration form as this determines funding for the school. Please keep us up to date of any address or phone number changes throughout the year

9 Safe Arrival If your child is going to be late or absent from school please call – leave a message with your child’s full name and class – please speak clearly so that it is easy to get the information – please state the reason for the absence If you do not call, and your child is absent, you will be called to confirm your child’s whereabouts Mrs. Pelley

10 Included in your package!

11 Primary Recess &Lunch Primary students stay for lunch in their own classroom and have from 11:40 to 12:00 to eat, they then go outside to play from 12:00 to 12:35. Children are taught not to share food as we have several students with food-based life-threatening allergies. Please pack food that is: Easy to unwrap / fairly quick Nut Free Include the cutlery – spoons and forks If possible, pack Recess and Lunch separately and label – ensure your child knows which foods are their snack and which are their lunch. No microwave available…

12 Supplies We will provide you with a copy of the supply list – via pre-primary/ drop in/website so you know what the teacher will need for your child. Change of clothing Indoor shoes – Velcro when possible…

13 Communication The teacher is the first line of communication –she will communicate in a variety of ways – monthly or weekly calendars – – telephone – message bag Any questions or concerns need to be communicated to your classroom teacher School information will be communicated in a monthly calendar/newsletter via . If you need a paper copy – let us know. Check our school website as well.

14 Visiting Humber Park For safety reasons, HRSB schools’ all doors are locked throughout the day Main doors may be entered by ringing doorbell. Always check into the main office Please sign in and sign out of the school when visiting or volunteering and to drop off or pick up your child at times other than the regular start / end times. You MUST wear visitors badge while in school

15 Ways to be Involved School Advisory Council (SAC) Home and School
Children are happier at school when they know the school and their families work together as a team You can help and be a part of: School Advisory Council (SAC) Home and School Reading volunteer Classroom volunteer

16 Additional Supports Adaptations Speech/Language
Early Literacy Teacher Support (grades Primary, 1 and 2) School Planning Team (SPT) Resource Learning Center African Support Worker Guidance

17 Dismissal Info Walkers Boys & Girls Club Busses

18 Bussing Information Bussed students only
WORKSHOPS for Families- call to register your child for this learning opportunity Attend The Journey Begins during the summer Tuesday, August 13th at Porter’s Lake Elementary at 4PM. Call Stock to register. Check HREC website for bus schedule. Check site often for any Stock changes particularly in the first couple of weeks of school.

19 First Day - Bussing It is important to send your child on the bus the first day. This will increase independence and help set school routines. Parents may follow the bus and meet students at school. Staff will greet students at the bus and get their names as they arrive and students will have supervised play outside until bell time. Please send your child’s dismissal instructions (bus, boys and girls club or pickup). Any changes that are made throughout the year please call the office.


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