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Technology Balance - A Community Effort

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1 Technology Balance - A Community Effort
How do we optimize post-secondary success in a tech-addicted world? Text BILLSORENSEN029 TO 22333 Please Arrive by 5:45, we will start right at 6 2 Microphones Also Streamed on PSBN

2 This falls under a larger umbrella of
Healthful Community Social Emotional Health (Anxiety & Depression) Tech addiction is a serious issue that impacts student learning AND post-secondary success. Build community effort and share resources to address the concern. Not just for our Coyotes – us too b/c we know our kids are watching us. Well developed emotional intelligence has been proven to show better results – higher rates of happiness, fulfillment, etc. – The empathy advantage – Dr. Borba List of strategies/resources on our website – we will use tech – NOT anti-tech, intentional use of tech

3 Format of the Night Three Components: EXTERNAL COMMUNITY PANEL
RESEARCH EVIDENCE PERSPECTIVE Students – Theresa Taylor, Matthew Ebert Guardians – Jessica Bryant, Amy Swichtenberg Educators – Mr. Craig Weeks, Mrs. Sarah Gahan, Mr. Andrew Taylor & Mrs. Melissa Girmscheid Special Thanks to Stefanie Pyrum, Scott Hollabaugh, & Brandi Steele

4 70% We will primarily be looking at adolescents tonight, focusing on the brain before the age 25. Dr. Jean Twenge – studied generational differences for 25 years – “I had never seen anything like this” Good News – Teenage Risky behavior is down Longitudinal Study looked at 500K+, Adolescents Rates of teen depression, anxiety, suicide sky-rocketed – look at iPhone 2007, 2012 – 50% of Americans owned a smart phone Females and Social – Fake lives FEMALE STUDENT PERSPECTIVE ON SOCIAL – PANEL – TERESA, DAZZ… CDC – suicide rate among children increased by 70% from American Foundation of Suicide Prevention found in 2017 Suicide was the leading cause of death in YO in AZ. PARENT PERSPECTIVE TEACHER PERSPECTIVE Now lets look at our community data regarding Social and hidden Social Accounts

5 Do you have access to your Coyote’s social media accounts?
Without looking it up, do you know what a“ finsta" or "Spam Social" account is? Do you have access to your Coyote’s social media accounts? Do you have a finsta, SPAM, or any other fake social media accounts? Show three pie charts with community data We had about 1400 student responses, 225 parent responses Study from August 2016 – National Cybersecurity Alliance – 804 teens, 13-17YO, 800 parents – 60% teens had hidden online accounts, 28% of parents suspected. In 2016 Insta allowed each person to have up to 5 accounts PARENT PERSPECTIVE on SPAM/FAKE ACCOUNTS - PANEL STUDENT PERSPECTIVE Okay, what about vaults? Mrs. Gahan CAN YOU TELL US WHAT A VAULT IT? Do any PARENTS know how can you tell if your coyote has a vault app? Multiple social accounts under one profile?

6 Case Study: Rory Gaboy, 20 YO 12+ Hours a Day Lost Scholarship
“Everything was overshadowed by video games. It was a Routine I just couldn’t break” Females – Social. IAD – internet Addiction Disorder – we have internet addiction clinics like the Restart clinic that was started in 2015. Home Page Inordinate amount of male adolescents and gaming. Similar treatment plans – Mr. Weeks – Why? Drugs and screens work through the same pathway – Dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin PANEL – SPENCER/MATT/TERESA # of HOURS PER DAY LOOOKING AT A SCREEN? Refer back to our Twenge Study with 500K+ adolescents What this graph is showing is that teens that spend 3+ hours a day looking at screens are 35% more likely to have a risk factor for suicide. Screen Activities vs Non-Screen Activities. ALL activities associated with screens had higher depressive symptoms – no screens = lower depressive symptoms – homework, sports, church groups, print media, in-person interaction). Problem is according to Sherman, Minas, & Greenfield (2013) – in person F2F interactions provides more emotional closeness than electronic communication. Neural Architecture has evolved to crave community/connection – ancestors would not have survived, Tribes. Why are these games so addicting? – shared sense of purpose, identity, and community Disenfranchised students – not sitting at cool table or engaged in a fantasy world of adventure. LUNCH WAS PART OF OUR CHALLENGES – TEACHERS, HONEST OBSERVATION OF WHAT YOU SEE RE: STUDENT F2F INTERACTION? Costs all students – not sitting at cool table or engaged in a fantasy world of adventure. Case Study… Community Evidence Literal psychosis – Game Transfer Phenomenon – Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MORPG)

7 Centennial High School Community Evidence & Panel Discussion
Hours a day looking at a screen (smartphone, laptop, or video game system). Students Parents PARENTS? TEACHERS SURPRISED? Any panel members use a service? Or auto-turn off their Wifi at night? Private Market for these apps – we are relying on apps to get us off apps… Transition to final concept – Cognition/Learning

8   She decided to delete her Snapchat and Instagram apps on her phone (not deleting her accounts, but rather shut off access and notifications to the apps altogether).  She noticed that the time spent looking at posts and reading the constant stream of notifications were negatively impacting her attention to her schoolwork.  Since her decision to delete her apps, we have noticed that she is more engaged in conversations with people face to face and is less distracted while doing her homework/studying.   With Prom approaching and the celebration of photos of dear friends, she will likely reinstall her apps, but she said she will most likely keep notifications OFF so that those are not a huge distraction every few minutes.  She believes setting time to go into her social media when she deems it appropriate time rather than letting social media control her.  😊   I encouraged her to tell you about her experience, so I hope she does.  However, she has seen and heard lots of resistance and criticism about her choice.  People tell her she must have been forced by us to do this even though it was completely her own idea.  Or they tell her she won't have the willpower to limit her social media.  Yale Ply Sci teacher graphed it out – Alex Coppock TEACHERS - ? STUDENTS – what is class like? How do you handle your courses? CLICK Student generated idea = Notifications?

9 0-6 parents support a “zero tolerance” cell phone policy: 3.54
On average how many times do you check your phone during one 90-minute class? 7.62 times per class 0-6 parents support a “zero tolerance” cell phone policy: 3.54 TEACHERS – PHILOSOPHY IN CLASS STUDENTS SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES IN CLASS, ARE THERE REALLY ANY CLASSES WHERE NO STUDENTS USE PHONES? BEFORE THIS EFFORT WHAT WAS YOUR PERCEPTION OF PHONE USE ON CAMPUS?CLASSROOMS We asked our parents who would support a “zero tolerance” cell phone policy: PARENTS? 1 Ear bud in? Multi-tasking…

10 Importance of FOCUS Quality of Work = Time x Intensity Spent of Focus
40% lost in next 20 years 2018: 70% more robots Cal Newport Equation – Impacts post-secondary success – Need to focus and think deeply with increasing automation. TEACHER PERSPECTIVE – HOW DO WE GET OUR COYOTES FUTURE READY? Many assume you can switch b/w a state of distraction and one of concentration as needed – this is optimistic. When your brain has become accustomed to on-demand distraction it is hard to shake the distraction when when you want to concentrate (PACT, ACT). What is the first thing you do when you stand in a line/stop light/drive through – if every moment of potential boredom in your life – say waiting 2 minutes in line – is relieved with a quick glance at your smartphone then you are re-wiring your brain for distraction. STUDENTS EXPERIENCED ANY LONG TESTING SESSIONS YOU HAD TROUBLE FOCUSING? Sleeplessness – S & S of ADHD – PARENT PERSPECTIVE – monitoring rooms at night Blue Light decreases Melatonin STUDENTS DO YOU THINK OUR DEVICES IMPACT YOUR SLEEP? 800% increase in thirty years

11 Review Concepts Discussed
1. Emotional Health/Suicide/Depression 2. Brain Physiology & Need for Connection/Community 3. Cognitive Ability Final Thoughts from Panel… Each panel, ~30 second response Hand out with tips/strategies. Also on our website

12 Strategies/Resources Hand Out
Obtain a Strategies/Resources hand out when you leave. We will also update on our website ideas from the panel and Poll Everywhere. Close with a video and a final thought

13 Some of the smartest ADULTS in the world are specifically designing apps/games to elicit a drug like addictive response from adolescents with undeveloped minds. If left unchecked this can devolve into a compulsive behavior pattern that is truly an addiction which will lead our Coyotes to a very dark place.

14 BIG WHITEBOARD WB Markers Three microphones
BIG WHITEBOARD WB Markers Three microphones? 9 chairs – how to organize – names on chairs PPT. Clicker Student workers?

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