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Strength of relation High Low Number of data Relationship Data

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1 Visualizing the Relationship of Multi-dimensional Data in 2D Relationship Space
Strength of relation High Low Number of data Relationship Data Mapping Between 2D Data Space and 2D Relationship Space The intensity shows the number of data under each relation strength. The spatial relationship of the grids encodes the relationship of data points The properties of the relationship space depend on the different relations. Lei Wang and Arie Kaufman Computer Science Department, Stony Brook University Possible Applications: Data Analysis: Visualize the relationship between data and features. Data Classification: Classify the data according to the relationship. Data Feature Detection: Extract features with special relation properties. Data Visualization: Visualize the data based on the relationship. Data Registration: Register the data with similar relationship in two data sets. Volume Data Analysis Noise Bias Distortion The relationship space is calculated from the features of the 3D volume data, using feature distance as a relation. The relationship space is invariant under noise, bias, and distortion. It shows the relationship of the data. Volume Data Visualization The relationship of the space is used for transfer function designation. Bonsai Lobster Volume Data Classification Volume Feature Relationship The classification is obtained by classifying the grids in the relationship space. We use 2D data for the convenience of display. The algorithm and properties are same in high-dimensional data space.

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