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ABT- 7 Use of video in ABT ?.

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Presentation on theme: "ABT- 7 Use of video in ABT ?."— Presentation transcript:

1 ABT- 7 Use of video in ABT ?

2 Most videos available today are telling a story--
ABT- 7 Most videos available today are telling a story-- BUT ABT is not about storytelling

3 In ABT we are task oriented--
The videos we are using should be of the same nature

4 ABT- 7 But--- why use video ?

5 1. To show something that is difficult to see-- ex
ABT- 7 1. To show something that is difficult to see-- ex * Metal transfer in a welding arc * Experiments which you are not able to carry out

6 2. A case or an accident which may difficult to reproduce
ABT- 7 2. A case or an accident which may difficult to reproduce

7 3. Examples on how to do something
ABT- 7 3. Examples on how to do something

8 4. Examples of how not to do things
ABT- 7 4. Examples of how not to do things

9 5. Cases which are developed for reflection
ABT- 7 5. Cases which are developed for reflection

10 6. Cases that show how things go wrong
ABT- 7 6. Cases that show how things go wrong

11 7. Demo or visualization of things you do not have access to
ABT- 7 7. Demo or visualization of things you do not have access to

12 ABT- 7 This type of videos must be short, highly focused and – focus only on one item at the time

13 The videos must target the user group--
ABT- 7 The videos must target the user group-- And that is NOT the one that is making it !

14 The video content should focus on one thing -one event- at the time.
ABT- 7 The video content should focus on one thing -one event- at the time. This means that we have to make a series of different short clips

15 The video shall be used as a startpoint for:
ABT- 7 The video shall be used as a startpoint for: a) Discussion b) Reflection

16 ABT- 7 We should avoid videos that directly point at a solution--- This may limit the creativity of the student

17 ABT- 7 7. Demo or

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