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Overview of objectives WP5

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1 Overview of objectives WP5
ROME April 11th | 12th MIMOD Mixed-Mode Designs for Social Surveys FINAL WORKSHOP Overview of objectives WP5 Dag Gravem, Nina Berg Statistics Norway (SSB) Karen Blanke, Oliver Paulus Statistics Germany (DESTATIS) Annemieke Luiten, Barry Schouten, Deirdre Giesen, Jeldrik Bakker, Vivian Meertens Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

2 Work package 5 – Mobile device surveys in ESS
WP5 main objectives: Evaluate fitness of ESS surveys for mobile devices; Explore potential of sensor measurements and sensor data to enrich and/or replace ESS survey data; ESS surveys = AES, EHIS, HBS, HETUS, ICT, LFS, SILC MIMOD project - Mixed-Mode Designs in Social Surveys Rome, April 2019

3 Work package 5 – Objective 1 mobile device surveys
Approach mobile device fitness: Inspect MIMOD WP1 survey for current status; Construct criteria to assess fitness of surveys for smartphones; Apply criteria to ESS surveys; Select two ESS surveys for further exploration and usability tests; Evaluate (re)design effort of the two case studies; Draw conclusions and suggest a way forward; MIMOD project - Mixed-Mode Designs in Social Surveys Rome, April 2019

4 Work package 5 – Smartphones in ESS countries
Can smartphones be used in the ESS countries? (from MIMOD survey WP1) Survey No web Blocked Not adapted but usable Slightly adapted Profoundly adapted LFS 25 1 5 EU-SILC 24 2 4 EHIS 20 10 AES 21 8 ICT 16 3 HBS 26 HETUS 31 MIMOD project - Mixed-Mode Designs in Social Surveys Rome, April 2019

5 Work package 5 – Objective 2 Sensors
Approach sensor utility: Construct criteria for potential pairs of ESS surveys and sensor data; From perspective survey measurement; From perspective sensor quality and costs; From perspective respondent; Identify ESS topics that are candidates under survey measurement criteria; Make an inventory of mobile device sensors; Construct combinations of survey topics and sensors; Evaluate combinations; Suggest further exploration; MIMOD project - Mixed-Mode Designs in Social Surveys Rome, April 2019

6 Work package 5 – preview results
Mobile device fitness: ESS surveys vary strongly in their fitness, or better, in their redesign effort required to make surveys fit for smartphones; Method effects may occur, either within a mode as a result of a redesign or between devices/modes; Especially length of questionnaires is prohibitive ; Sensor data: Promising survey – sensor data combinations exist for many of the ESS surveys; Evaluation of utility needs elaboration and replication; MIMOD project - Mixed-Mode Designs in Social Surveys Rome, April 2019

7 Work package 5 – session overview
WP5 session: Fitness criteria for smartphone surveys (Vivian Meertens, Stat Netherlands) Two case studies: ICT and LFS (Dag Gravem, Stat Norway & Vivian Meertens Stat Neth) Sensor data (Barry Schouten, Stat Netherlands) Discussant Laura Sauli (Stat Finland) Open discussion MIMOD project - Mixed-Mode Designs in Social Surveys Rome, April 2019

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