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Year 2 End of KS1 SATs May 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 2 End of KS1 SATs May 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 2 End of KS1 SATs May 2019

2 What are SATs Children will complete tests in the classroom:
Arithmetic Maths Reasoning Reading Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar (SPaG) Teacher assessment runs alongside tests. Writing is purely teacher assessment.

3 When? Children will complete the tests during May.
We will make teacher assessment judgements and report these to the Local Authority in June. Parents notified of the overall judgement in July with reports.

4 End of Year Expectations
The judgements made will be: Working below the expected standard Working towards the expected standard Working at the expected standard Working at greater depth within the expected standard. These standards (end of year expectations) can be downloaded from the school website.

5 Reading – Working Towards

6 Reading – Expected Standard

7 Reading – Greater Depth

8 Writing – Working towards

9 Writing – Expected Standard

10 Writing – Greater Depth

11 Maths – Working Towards

12 Maths – Expected Standard

13 Maths – Greater Depth

14 Science – Expected Standard
Children either meet the standard or not in Science.

15 Science content

16 Sample tests These are saved as files on the Year 2 SATs Page.
The questions get harder as the children work through the test. We are encouraging the children to draw ‘jottings’ to help them solve Maths questions, they cannot have a number line or number square to help them.

17 How can you help at home? Continue to work on the weekly spellings.
Keep going back and recap spelling patterns on previous lists. Apply spelling rules when writing. Don’t stop practising times tables – Times Table Rock Stars. Number bonds games (number pairs to 10, 20, multiples of 10 to 100, addition and subtraction).

18 How can you help at home? Listen to your child read regularly.
Ask them to summarise a paragraph. Ask why… questions. Who is your favourite character? What do you think will happen next?

19 Any questions?

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