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Meredith Howes Prime & Subcontractor Relationship

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1 Meredith Howes Prime & Subcontractor Relationship
UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Program Executive Office Special Operations Forces Support Activity (PEO SOFSA) Trusted Experts for SOF Logistics Meredith Howes Prime & Subcontractor Relationship Contract Specialist Special Operations Forces Support Activity

2 Agenda What is a subcontract? Why Subcontract?
Risks associated with Subcontracts Flow-down Provisions How to effectively oversight orders with subcontracts Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

3 Prime Contractor (LMCO)
What is a Subcontract Any contract or Agreement to perform work or provide material in support of a Prime Contract (FAR Part ) Privity (Contractual Relationship) exists only between the Buyer and Seller Privity DOES NOT exist between the Buyer and the Seller’s Subcontractors Environment SOF works in (where it's dark), US Government Prime Contractor (LMCO) Subcontractor Privity Privity

4 Why Would a Prime Subcontract?
Strategic Advantage/Alliance – (Teaming arrangements) Enhances Capabilities More Cost effective to customer Facilitate entry into otherwise closed markets Greater value to the customer (Government) Government places requirements on the prime to sub out contracts to small disadvantaged businesses (socio-economic goals) Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

5 Subcontracting Risks – Government Perspective
No Privity with subcontractors Lack of USG oversight The need for added oversight responsibilities Prime oversight is not necessarily in the Government’s best interest Added risk of: Cost overruns Not meeting scheduled deliveries Technical quality issues Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

6 Subcontracting Risks – Prime Perspective
Complex USG oversight Prime responsible for quality and delivery to USG Subs lack of timely reporting of costs on Cost reimbursable contracts Primes performance assessment is dependent upon subcontractor performance Prime Contractors need to ensure their proposed subcontractors are not debarred or suspended. LMCO is required to receive consent to subcontract from the ACO prior to executing any purchase order. Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

7 “Flow-down” Provisions
Provisions in a subcontract are known as “flow-down” provisions That is if they impose the same duties on the subcontractor that the Government imposed on the prime contractor in the prime contract. Prime contractor responsible to "flow-down" subcontract clauses to the subcontractor. There are Mandatory, Required and optional provisions, as designated by the FAR/DFARS/SOFARS that must be flowed down to the subcontractor. Some small businesses may take issue or concern with provisions, but many are mandated by the FAR in accordance with the GLSS IDIQ. Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

8 Oversight on GLSS IDIQ USG Oversight is provided by the Contracting Officer Representative Monthly or Quarterly COR Reports are vital to ensuring that performance requirements are being met. Please contact your Contracting Officer to determine frequency required. All issues or concerns with performance should be identified to the Contracting Officer as soon as possible. Alerting the Contracting Officer will allow documentation and consideration, if required, to correct performance issues. It is imperative that the Prime is held accountable for issues on cost, schedule and performance. Do not try to remedy concerns without notifying the contracting office, as this will not allow the USG to hold the prime contractor accountable. Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

9 Oversight on GLSS IDIQ USG Oversight is provided by the Contracting Officer Representative Monthly or Quarterly COR Reports are vital to ensuring that performance requirements are being met. Please contact your Contracting Officer to determine frequency required. All issues or concerns with performance should be identified to the Contracting Officer as soon as possible. Alerting the Contracting Officer will allow documentation and consideration, if required, to correct performance issues. It is imperative that the Prime is held accountable for issues on cost, schedule and performance. Do not try to remedy concerns without notifying the contracting office, as this will not allow the USG to hold the prime contractor accountable. Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

All communication should include the Prime contractor, even on technical issues relating to subcontractor work. DO REDIRECT THE SUBCONTRACTOR TO THE PRIME If the subcontractor contacts the USG regarding program concerns, they should be re-directed to the Prime in all situations. Please contact the contracting officer if it becomes a reoccurring issue. DO NOT DIRECT REQUIRED SOURCES IN REQUIREMENTS If the USG is directing a source for LMCO to use, there must be a pre-staffed/signed Sole Source Justification and Approval. DO REVIEW SUB PROPOSALS TO ENSURE TECHNICAL SUFFICIENCY The Contracting Officer is responsible to determine fair and reasonable pricing, but they are reliant on the PM/COR to ensure subcontractors are technically sufficient to perform. Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),

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