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The Industrial Revolution

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1 The Industrial Revolution
Think of the Revolutions we have discussed so far? #1 People change from hunter gathers to Agriculturalists #2 People move away from a traditional economy and begin a commercial system with currency. #3) People begin to look towards science and logic as a way to discover truth, not relying on the church for answers. #4) The American colonists cast off British colonialism. #5) The citizens of France revolt against their Monarchy.

2 What was the Industrial Revolution?
The Industrial Revolution- the period of time when there was rapid growth in the use of machines in factory manufacturing beginning in the mid 1700’s Where do you think it might have begun? Answer: Britain

3 Why did it begin? 1) The New Agricultural Revolution.
- Improvements were made in Agriculture - Fertilizer used from livestock - Experiments with livestock and planting seeds in rows instead of scattering them. - New Methods of crop rotation, larger fields, and the seed drill (invented by Jethro Tull) were being used.

4 2) Population Explosion
The New Agricultural Revolution resulted in a population boom in Europe, especially Britain. Declining death rates and increasing birthrates. Because people ate better, women and babies were healthier Population increase was also a result of better hygiene, sanitation, and improved medical care.

5 Around what year does the world’s population begin to spike?

6 3) New Types of Energy Since the dawn of humans, work had been done by the muscle force of men or animals …this was now changing. Water mills and wind mills were adding to the mix and then the steam engine changed things. A steam engine had been built in the early 1700’s to pump water out of mines James Watt improved the design and it was efficient at driving machinery.

7 4) Inventions (Science)
The scientific revolution led to experiments in many fields. As food production increased, more time was available for more people to make discoveries. Spinning Jenny Cotton Gin Steam Engine Electricity Light Bulbs


9 Why Britain Specifically
Exploration and Colonialism- Britain had the largest Navy and access to large amounts of coal, iron, and cotton from sources at home and also from its colonies around the world. Labor-Britain also had a large number of people available to work due to the Enclosure movement. Political Stability- Although fighting in North America, times were peaceful at home, and commerce thrived. Government Support- Parliament passed laws that favored businesses, and businesses funded experimentation or as we call it today “research and development”. There was also a growing business class with disposable income, and they were ready to invest it. Technology- Britain had been a center of the Scientific Revolution, and they had plenty of skilled mechanics.

10 Simply Put- Britain had the Factors of Production
Economists refer to the Factors of Production as the essential elements needed for a nation to achieve economic success…so what are they? 1) Land 2) Labor ) Capital

11 Importance of Iron and Coal
Iron was key to making the Industrial Revolution possible. why?... It was needed for machine parts and steam engines. The trick was extracting iron from iron ore (the rock it is in). Abraham Darby began experimenting with ways to smelt iron with coal by removing the impurities that were in coal first. Iron smelting boomed. Wood had been the typical fuel used to smelt Iron. But did it look like Britain had many Of those left…Why do you think?


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