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TABLE OF CONTENTS Introductory Remarks MTEF Allocations

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1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introductory Remarks MTEF Allocations
Human Settlements Development Grant (HSDG) Allocations HSDG performance 30 June 2013 Business Plans and Analysis Challenges/ Constraints Mitigating Measures HSDG performance 31 August 2013 (PRELIM) Trends analysis 2011/2012 to 2012/2013 Monthly Compliance Monitoring and Evaluation

2 Introductory Remarks cont,
The Department has been allocated a budget of R28, 1 in 2013 financial year of which 16, 9 billion is directed to the Human Settlement Development Grant and 9, 1 billion representing an Urban Settlement Department Grant. The different catering for other programmes including the Rural Household Infrastructure Grant and the operational budget. Within the allocation of 16, 9 billion is an earmarked allocation of 299 million for Disaster Relief Grant for disaster stricken areas

3 Introductory Remarks cont,
The HSDG together with the USDG seek to fund the establishment habitable, stable and sustainable human settlements for citizens to have access to social and economical amenities. The HSDG is allocated to the approved business plans which categorises different programmes including the outcome 8 and National Priorities

4 Introductory Remarks cont,
This conditional grant and performance of the programmes are monitored in terms of the approved monitoring framework that is in line with the Government Wide Monitoring Framework.

5 Human Settlements Development Grant: 2013 MTEF allocation
Provinces 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 R`000 Total Allocation by province Indicative Allocation EASTERN CAPE 2,523,803 2,662,663 2,922,546 FREE STATE 1,120,936 1,182,609 1,298,035 GAUTENG 4,108,399 4,334,441 4,757,497 KWAZULU-NATAL 3,235,428 3,413,440 3,746,602 LIMPOPO 1,324,742 1,397,629 1,534,042 MPUMALANGA 1,124,332 1,186,193 1,301,969 NORTHERN CAPE 395,724 417,497 458,247 NORTH WEST 1,224,537 1,291,911 1,418,005 WESTERN CAPE 1,925,971 2,031,938 2,230,261 Total 16,983,872 17,918,321 19,667,204

6 HSDG Allocation cont: 80/20 Split
Provinces 2013/14 R`000 Total Allocation by province Normal Project allocation Outcome 8 allocation Disaster Relief EASTERN CAPE 2,523,803 1,979,716 449,915 94,172 FREE STATE 1,120,936 901,014 146,677 73,245 GAUTENG 4,108,399 3,116,973 991,366 60 KWAZULU-NATAL 3,235,428 2,617,245 566,462 51,720 LIMPOPO 1,324,742 816,955 472,121 35,666 MPUMALANGA 1,124,332 966,412 157,323 598 NORTHERN CAPE 395,724 325,539 52,995 17,190 NORTH WEST 1,224,537 1,030,477 167,752 26,308 WESTERN CAPE 1,925,971 1,593,599 332,372 - Total 16,983,872 13,347,930 3,336,983 298,959

7 Human Settlements Development Grant: 20% allocation cont,
Provinces 2013/14 R`000 Upgrading of Informal Settlements Rental and Social Housing Land National Priority Program EASTERN CAPE 24 296 FREE STATE 62 861 73 338 10 477 - GAUTENG 41 083 KWAZULU-NATAL 31 837 LIMPOPO 77 345 90 235 12 891 MPUMALANGA 67 424 78 661 11 237 NORTHERN CAPE 22 712 26 497 3 785 NORTH WEST 71 894 83 876 11 982 WESTERN CAPE 19 260 62 736 Total

8 National Priority Program: 20% All cont,
Province R`000 Town 2013/14 EASTERN CAPE Duncan Village GAUTENG Lufhereng Diepsloot 91 472 Sweetwaters 45 736 Khutsong 96 046 Sub Total KWAZULU-NATAL Cornubia LIMPOPO Lephalale WESTERN CAPE Drommedaris 62 736 Total

9 National Priority Projects Performance
The performance information for Duncan Village reflected a non spending due to contractors that had left the site for non-availability of approved beneficiaries as well as cash flow challenges; The report from Gauteng Province indicated that there are 1000 units delivered in Sweet-Waters with 878 units allocated to beneficiaries; The performance information for Cornubia for the quarter ending of June 2013 was also not submitted; The performance information for Lephalale Bulk Infrastructure for the month of June 2013 reflected a budget of R112.1 million, while no spending occurred: The conditional grant was withheld,... External verification of claims; Information on Drommedaris is such that Western Cape Department has delivered 600 Units as a Priority Project.

10 Human Settlements Development Grant Expenditure : 30 June 2013
Provinces Voted Funds Human Settlement Development Grant as at 30 June 2013 Transferred Funds Spent by Provinces Variance Spent vs. Transferred Variance Spent vs. Voted Funds Unspent as % of Voted Funds R'000 % % of voted % of transferred Eastern Cape 16% 13% 80% 78 066 87% Free State 20% 90 547 8% 39% 92% Gauteng 22% 15% 67% 85% KwaZulu-Natal 21% 18% 88% 82 060 82% Limpopo - 0% 97 903 7% (97 903) 93% Mpumalanga 77 893 (77 893) Northern Cape 74 517 19% 61 840 83% 12 677 84% North West 25% 23% 91% 28 644 77% Western Cape 72% 94 502 Total 17% 14% 81% 86%

11 Human Settlements Development Grant
The total allocation in respect of the Human Settlements Development Grant for the 2013/14 financial year amounted to R16.9 billion and includes R299 million for the Disaster Relief allocation; The total amount transferred to Provinces as at 30 June 2013 amounted to R2.941 billion, which represents 17% as projection of the total allocation; Provinces spent R2.384 billion and this represents 14% of the total allocation and 86% of the projected figure; The variance of R 556 million is carried over to the following month however it still lies in the Primary bank account of the province and is only accessible upon requests that align to the goods and services payable;

12 HSDG Cont. The North West Province spent the highest at 90.6%.
Of the R275.6 million spent, the Province delivered a total of units consisting of 71 serviced sites and top structures against an annual target of ; KwaZulu-Natal spent 88% and delivered units consisting of 692 serviced sites and top structures against an annual target of Northern Cape spent 83% and delivered 481 units consisting of 90 serviced sites and 391 top structures against an annual target of

13 HSDG Cont. The lowest spending Province is Free State at 39%.
Mpumalanga Province’s business plan was approved on 26 June 2013 and funds were only transferred in the beginning of July 2013, however the actual expenditure is R77.8 million. The Province delivered a total of units consisting of 0 serviced sites and top structures from an annual target set at units. Free State Province indicated that the overall reasons for under performance occurred due to delays in procurement processes and cash flow management.

14 HSDG Cont. The Limpopo allocation for the 2013/14 financial year is R1.3 billion including R35.6 million for Disaster Relief. Although the Limpopo Province’s business plan was approved. No funds were transferred to the Limpopo Province as per National Treasury instruction issued on 19th April 2013, however the Province reported spending of R97.9 million and managed to deliver a total of units consisting of 85 serviced sites and top structures from an annual target of units. The expenditure incurred was through the province’s equitable share. According to the 2013/14 approved payment schedule b R224.9 million was supposed to have been transferred to Limpopo Province from April 2013 to June 2013.

15 Delivery Performance: 30 June 2013
Province Annual Delivery Targets Delivery Performance as at 30 June 2013 Variance Delivery sites Variance Delivery Top Structures Total Variance Delivery Sites (units) Top Structure (units) Total Delivery Targets Total Delivery Performance Eastern Cape 17 265 20 412 37 677 1 780 1 969 3 749 (15 485) (18 443) (33 928) Free State 8 794 10 157 18 951 701 723 1 424 (8 093) (9 434) (17 527) Gauteng 15 460 28 023 43 483 829 4 008 4 837 (14 631) (24 015) (38 646) KwaZulu-Natal 10 018 26 682 36 700 692 5 614 6 306 (9 326) (21 068) (30 394) Limpopo 4 901 17 552 22 453 85 1 367 1 452 (4 816) (16 185) (21 001) Mpumalanga 1 000 14 287 15 287 - 1 583 (1 000) (12 704) (13 704) Northern Cape 7 987 3 673 11 660 90 391 481 (7 897) (3 282) (11 179) North West 5 053 15 230 20 283 71 2 595 2 666 (4 982) (12 635) (17 617) Western Cape 6 642 11 802 18 444 694 1 233 1 927 (5 948) (10 569) (16 517) Total 77 120 4 942 19 483 24 425 (72 178) ( ) ( )

16 Performance 1st quarter other milestones (Financial Interventions)
Delivery variables/milestones Funds allocated Expenditure 2013/14 R'000 R'000 FLISP 20,461 3,004 Rectification Programme 158,377 131,961 Opscap 179,611 99,219 Blocked Projects 22,861 2,239 Land Parcels 77,501 4,085 Other 318,635 112,708 Total 777,446 353,216

17 Other milestones cont. The previous table refers to other milestones that have a direct contribution to the development of serviced sites and the construction of houses. The Financed Linked Individual Housing Subsidy Programme (FLISP) is applicable to households in the income category of R3 501 to R per month who do not qualify for a subsidised house and are also unable to obtain mortgage finance. These households may apply for the allocation of serviced stands developed under the Integrated Residential Development Programme if /as they qualify for the once-off subsidy.

18 Other milestones cont. The actual spending of R3 million was only incurred by Limpopo province. Eastern Cape spent on the rectification programme 126% while Western Cape 41%. The Operational Capital Budget Programme (OPSCAP) allows Provinces to augment their capacity required for housing delivery. 5% is allowed as a maximum allocation. This programme achieved a spending rate of 55%.

19 Other milestones cont. Blocked projects are incomplete projects that were stalled for various reasons. Funds are provided to unblock these projects and Provinces have spent 10% of their allocation in the first quarter. Suitable land is identified for human settlements development and Provinces allocated funds for the acquisition of land through the Housing Development Agency.; Of the R78 million allocated Provinces only R4 million was used for the procurement of land;

20 Challenges Challenges as per provinces: Department’s observations:
Slow procurement processes Poor Cash flow management Non-availability of suitable land for human settlements developments Department’s observations: Lack of credible pipeline of projects Poor planning and/or execution of the plans have always been a problem Performance reporting is not always in line with the Business plans and this may suggest that plans are being developed for compliance purposes

21 Interventions Provinces and Municipalities to align all grants to ensure bulk infrastructure is in place before implementation of programmes and projects; Provinces and Municipalities must develop and align programme and procurement plans Feasibilties to ensure programme and project readiness. Programme Management Units to be established and prioritised. Provinces to utilise the HSS to administer and report on all human settlements delivery programme and processes.

22 Business Plan Project Readiness
Province Total number of projects planned to deliver units Number of units planned Budget allocation for units (R'000) Number of projects: contractor on site Number of projects where no units will be delivered North West 132 11 710 34 98 Western Cape 95 12 052 70 25 KwaZulu Natal 97 26 682 - Free State 35 2 132 18 17 Gauteng 227 27 966 6 221 Northern Cape 27 3 602 19 8 Mpumalanga 52 10 979 48 4 Eastern cape 26 20 009 22 Limpopo 12 17 552 Total 703 296 407

23 Business Plan Readiness cont.
The average number of units planned for delivery, nationally per project is 163 per annum; Only KwaZulu Natal has planned its delivery potential and aligned it with the requisite procedures to meet with the capability to deliver during KwaZulu Natal is followed by Mpumalanga which will not be able to deliver on 4 of its 52 planned projects. Delivery in the remaining provinces will be extremely poor. This has implications, not only on actual delivery for the human settlements sector, the capability to spend the current HSDG allocation but also for the credibility of the provincial Business plans.

24 Delivery (Apr ‘13 – July ‘13) (Single Figure) in relation to estimated Targets
Target based on data used in Dept Presentation, 05 June 2013

25 Delivery Performance 2013/14 (Apr – July) in relation to Estimated Targets
Target based on data used in Dept Presentation Note: 2013/14 delivery figures are up to end July 2013 and are preliminary.

26 Human Settlements Development Grant Expenditure: 31 August 2013 (PRELIM)
Provinces Voted Funds Human Settlement Development Grant as at 31 August 2013 Transferred Funds Spent by Provinces Variance Spent vs Transferred Variance Spent vs Voted Funds Unspent as % of Voted Funds R'000 % % of voted Eastern Cape 32% 28% 72% Free State 41% 15% 85% Gauteng 39% 25% 75% KwaZulu-Natal 38% 35% 65% Limpopo - 0% 10% ( ) 90% Mpumalanga 31% Northern Cape 34% 94 066 24% 40 093 76% North West 44% 40% 42 706 60% Western Cape 50% 42% 58% Total 36%

27 Human Settlements Development Grant: Allocation Trends 2011/12 to 2012/13
Provinces 2011/12 2012/13 R'000 Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape Total

28 Human Settlements Development Grant: 2011/12 Expenditure Performance
Provinces DORA Allocation 2011/12 Roll Overs Funds Withheld/ Stopped Realloc-ations Total Available Actual transfer Amount received by Province Amount spent by Province % Spent 2010/11 Allocations R'000 Eastern Cape - 87% Free State 99% Gauteng 100% KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo 90% Mpumalanga Northern Cape 44 760 North West 115% Western Cape Total 98%

29 Disaster Relief Grant: 2011/12 Expenditure Performance
Provinces DORA Allocation 2011/12 Total Available Actual transfer Amount received by Province Amount spent by Province % Spent 2010/11 Allocations R'000 Eastern Cape 56 700 - 0% Free State 44 100 16 631 38% Gauteng 36 KwaZulu-Natal 31 140 3 503 11% Limpopo 21 474 Mpumalanga 360 100% Northern Cape 10 350 North West 15 840 2 368 15% Western Cape Total 33 212 18%

30 Human Settlements Development Grant: 2012/13 Expenditure Performance
Provinces DORA Allocation 2011/12 Roll Overs Funds Withheld/ Stopped Realloc-ations Total Available Actual transfer Amount received by Province Amount spent by Province % Spent 2011/12 Allocations R'000 Eastern Cape - ( ) 100% Free State 2 716 Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo (46 114) 92% Mpumalanga 99% Northern Cape North West Western Cape Total ( )

31 Monthly Conditional Grant Reports

32 Brief assessment of the Department’s monitoring capacity for the 2013/14 financial year
The Department has the Chief Directorate: Monitoring and Evaluation (CD: M&E) responsible for monitoring and assessing the implementation, performance and impact of National Human Settlements Policies, Programmes, and projects. The CD: M&E has four directorates Programme Monitoring Research and Evaluation (Applied Research) Programme Impact Assessment Data Management, Verification and Analysis The National Department has a Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment (MEIA) Policy and Implementation Framework for the Human Settlements Sector which applies to: all the Departments of Human Settlements at the National, Provincial and Municipal levels all the Human Settlements Institutions created by the National and Provincial Human Settlements Departments to facilitate the Human Settlements delivery process. 

33 Brief assessment of the Department’s monitoring capacity for the 2013/14 financial year
The following activities will be carried out in 2013/14 financial year (as per DORA): Project level monitoring – visit Provinces on a quarterly basis to make follow-ups to verify and validate Human Settlements delivery provide systems that include Housing Subsidy System ( HSS) and MEIA System that support the administration of the human settlement delivery process alignment of the monitoring and evaluation systems (HSS and MEIA) and ensure uniformity of reporting amongst Provincial Departments and other role players within the chain of Human Settlements delivery. provide continuous training to Provinces on HSS and MEIA systems. Conduct and participate in the workshops, bilateral meetings (M&E task team) to keep them abreast with the development of monitoring and evaluation Facilitate regular interaction between national, provincial departments of human settlements and municipalities through structured quarterly performance review meetings

34 Brief assessment of the Department’s monitoring capacity for the 2013/14 financial year
The following activities will be carried out in 2013/14 financial year (as per DORA): Impact assessments (Conducting Baseline Study for Informal Settlements Targeted for Upgrading) – Assessing the relevance, performance and success of the Human Settlements programmes evaluating the outcomes and impacts of the Departmental programmes. Collect data and information through consultation groups with the relevant sources of particular programmes Write reports based on the recommendations and lesson learned when conducting evaluation and impact assessments

35 Brief assessment of the Department’s monitoring capacity for the 2013/14 financial year
The following activities will be carried out in 2013/14 financial year (as per DORA): Annual performance report of the sector – Submit an annual evaluation report for the previous financial year to National Treasury by end of July of the in-year Evaluate the audited provincial annual reports for submission to National Treasury by mid-December of the in-year Rapid appraisals (appraisal of Outcome 8 performance) – Collect data that will be used to conduct future evaluations targeted at: Strengthening the implementation and improving the performance (efficiency and efficacy of operational processes) of the programme Determining the nature and sustainability of the programme outcomes Determining measurable levels of benefits for beneficiaries and communities that the programme produces. Data Management, Verification and Analysis Produce reports on the implementation of data management, verification and analysis processes

36 National Human Settlements Development Grant Revised Business Plan 2013/14 Outcome 8 Slum Upgrading, Rental, FLISP, Land National Priorities Rectification, Rural, Priority Projects, Emergency Housing, PHP, HSDG in Metropolitan Municipalities Summary of HSDG

37 Informal Settlement Upgrading Affordable Housing (FLISP)
Outcome 8 Programme Sites Units Outcome 8 Deficit Budget % Allocation Informal Settlement Upgrading 38,798 49,587 146,946 4,491,563 26,44% Affordable Rental 1,295 8,082 44,498 1,516,149 8.92% Affordable Housing (FLISP) 3,791 221,183 1.30% Sub Total 40,093 61,460 6,228,895 36.68% Ha Parcels Land 117,363 12 328,659 1.93% Total 6,557,554 38.61%

38 Summary of Nat’l Priorities
Programme Sites Units Budget % Allocation Rectification 2,328 14,733 747,150 4.39% Rural 8,813 31,345 2,445,427 14.39% Emergency 802 4,133 437,216 2.57% Total 11,943 50,211 3,629,793 21.37%

39 Summary of HSDG Allocations – 2013/14
Note that the summary for the Financial intervention is only for the following programmes Flisp, Individual Subsidy Credit Linked and Blocked Projects as these are the only programmes where there are new sites and units.

40 Priority Projects [1] Gauteng has not provided information on the Lufhereng project therefore no allocation is provided.

41 Other Programme Allocations
Programmes Sites Units Total Budget Enhanced Extended Discount Benefit 4,486 4 706 60 250 Blocked Projects 170 2 519 224,781 Project Linked Subsidies (Current commitments) 2,874 6,676 647,473 Integrated Residential Development Programme Phase 1. Planning & Services 17,771 100 Integrated Residential Development Programme Phase 2 Top Structure Construction. 1 142 17 832 2 ,073,414 Total 3 647,344

42 Other Programme Allocations
State Asset Maintenance 411 units 28,890 Social and Economic Facilities 6,404 Accreditation of Municipalities 39,753 Operational Capital Budget 347,838 Housing Chapters of IDP's 26,147 Total 449,032


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