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Anthropology and Globalization

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Presentation on theme: "Anthropology and Globalization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anthropology and Globalization

2 Anthropological Interpretations
Sidetracking Diffusion Americanization What do these all have in common? Give an example of each from China. Give an example from the globalization images.

3 You Are the Anthropologist
HSBC taxi ad What questions would an anthropologist ask as he/she travelled in the taxi?

4 Beijing Development Beijing hutong (traditional courtyard neighbourhood) Contrast with Beijing skyline Time: Beijing’s Changing Skyline (up to 2008 Olympics) Travel China Now. (2012). Attraction guide: Beijing hutong. Retrieved April 15, 2012 from

5 Hutong Destruction Benson, H. (2008, July 8). Michael Meyer documents old Beijing districts. Retrieved April 15, 2012 from bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/07/07/DDQE11DRM5.DTL&ao=all

6 Old vs. New Global Heritage Network. (2010, August 4). Development pressures at Beijing hutongs. Retrieved April 15, 2012 from

7 HW: Anthro Notes Cultural Costs, pages 329-331: Cultural losses
Changing of cultural norms ___izations Homogenization Deterritorialization Westernization/Americanization Industrialization

8 Economic Costs and Anthro Theories
Loss of … Social programs … Notes on 5 anthropological theories of globalization,

9 Amazon The Nature of Things: The Real Avatar
Peruvian Amazon – how indigenous peoples are being affected by resource development and extraction in their regions

10 Resource Extraction Mining company Rio Tinto Oil Sands in Alberta
Canadian recruiting ad Oil Sands in Alberta Fort Chippewyan – downstream impacts

11 Turquoise Hill Oyu Tolgoi:

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