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District 12 Little League Softball Tournament Information

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1 District 12 Little League Softball Tournament Information
Arranged pennants

2 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Points of Emphasis District Administrator is responsible for scheduling and supervising all district tournament games All International Tournaments are authorized by the International Board of Directors of Little League Leagues opting to participate must do so with full understanding of the rules and regulations District 12 Little League Tournament Information

3 Observe Softball’s Cardinal Rules
District official administers the game Umpires officiate the game Coaches coach the game Players play the game Concentrate on your area of the game District 12 Little League Tournament Information

4 What You Should Bring to the Game
Minimum of 3 Little League licensed softballs Wilson 11" softballs for 8-10 girls Wilson A9274 SST, Wilson A9074 SST or Wilson 12” softballs for 9-11,10-12, Juniors and Seniors Alternate is a MacGregor 11LLY or 12LLY Minimum of six (6) NOCSAE approved batting helmets with warning labels No stickers/paint permitted on helmets other than other than single letter/league logo without written manufacturer approval. Face guards must be NOCSAE certified District 12 Little League Tournament Information 4 4

5 What You Should Bring to the Game
$45 per game for umpire fees. $67.50 for semi-final, championship, and ‘If’ games. $20 show-up fee is payable should game be cancelled after scheduled start but not officially started. Once games starts full fee is required. Should game be continued on a subsequent day new umpires will be assigned and another full fee will be due. Original affidavit with yellow sheet attached. District 12 Little League Tournament Information 5 5

6 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Uniform Requirements Managers and coaches must adhere to District 12 and NJ dress code. They may wear shorts if all wear shorts. (see handbook) All players must have the official Little League patch on the uniform All teams must carry a blood uniform District 12 Little League Tournament Information 6 6

7 “If you see it - flee it, if you hear it - clear it”
Safety Lightning and Thunder Policy The field is cleared at the first sign of lightning or thunder Each delay is a minimum of 30 minutes Subsequent lightning or thunder resets the clock Players MUST stay in dugout (covered) or protected area “If you see it - flee it, if you hear it - clear it” District 12 Little League Tournament Information

8 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Safety Catchers must wear a NOCSAE approved helmet/mask with a dangling throat guard Skullcaps are not permitted Chest protectors must be worn Catchers must wear a helmet/mask during all infield warm-ups Players warming up pitchers between innings or in the bullpen must wear a helmet/mask Coaches may not warm up players at any time. District 12 Little League Tournament Information

9 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Safety There is NO on-deck circle in Little League Softball Only one batter allowed on field between innings. Holding a bat in the dugout is not permitted Batting donuts are not permitted No on-field team meetings between innings. Meetings must be held in dead-ball territory Slash bunting in softball is permitted Please teach your players how to defend themselves District 12 Little League Tournament Information

10 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Safety Umpires will inspect all bats and helmets before the game. No other bats are to be brought into the dugouts. Please line up bats and helmets in front of the dugout before team introductions. Umpires are inspecting bats looking for required BPF 1.20 stamp, cracks, dents, burrs, and rattles. When inspecting helmets umpires are looking for NOCSAE seal, cracks, missing padding, painted helmets, etc. No stickers/paint permitted on helmets other than other than single letter/league logo without written manufacturer approval. Face guards must be NOCSAE certified District 12 Little League Tournament Information

11 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Safety Any time a team is warming up, pre-game or between innings, the other team must be in a protected area Jewelry is not permitted to be worn. This includes, but is not limited to: Earrings Necklaces, including the popular titanium magnetic necklaces Bracelets, including metal, string, leather, cloth or rubber band “cause” bracelets (for example, the not as popular as it used to be “Livestrong” bracelets) Exception: Jewelry that alerts medical personnel to a specific condition is permissible (must be secured in some manner) District 12 Little League Tournament Information

12 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Regulation Game Each tournament game must be played to the point of being an official game Regulation games are of four or more innings in which one team has scored more runs than the other (three and one-half (3 1/2) if the home team is ahead Regulation games (when a winner can be determined) terminated because of weather, darkness or curfew must NOT be resumed. This does not mean games suspended or delayed by weather that may still be resumed before darkness or curfew on the same day If two games are scheduled for the same site, no “time limit” may be imposed on the first game District 12 Little League Tournament Information

13 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Regulation Game Mercy Rule If at the end of three innings (2 ½ if the Home team is winning), one team has a lead of 15 runs or more, or, if at the end of four innings (3 ½ if the Home team is winning), one team has a lead of 10 runs or more, the manager of the team with fewer runs shall concede the victory to the opponent Curfew No new inning may start after midnight Games stopped due to weather, darkness, curfew, etc., but are not yet official, will be considered a suspended game. District 12 Little League Tournament Information

14 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Regulation Game Mercy Rule If at the end of three innings (2 ½ if the Home team is winning), one team has a lead of 15 runs or more, or, if at the end of four innings (3 ½ if the Home team is winning), one team has a lead of 10 runs or more, the manager of the team with fewer runs shall concede the victory to the opponent Curfew No new inning may start after midnight Games stopped due to weather, darkness, curfew, etc., but are not yet official, will be considered a suspended game. District 12 Little League Tournament Information

15 Extra Innings - Tiebreaker
When six innings are completed, and the score is tied, the following tiebreaker will be played to determine a winning team: The seventh inning will be played as normal. Starting in the top of the eighth inning and each half inning thereafter, the offensive team shall begin its turn at bat with the player who is scheduled to bat last in that respective half inning being placed on second base. District 12 Little League Tournament Information

16 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Pre-game Activities Home/Away is determined by coin toss before each game (except if game) Coin toss will take place one hour before scheduled game time whether or not team has arrived at the game site Team on top of bracket will call toss Winner gets choice of home/away Home team takes 1st base dugout Away team takes 3rd base dugout District 12 Little League Tournament Information

17 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Pre-game Activities Official line-up (form provided) shall be given to the Game Director at least 20 minutes prior to game time, who will distribute to: Opposing team Chief umpire Press box The line up shall include: Starting player’s full name, number, and position Substitutes full name and number Manager and coaches full names Ineligible pitchers District 12 Little League Tournament Information

18 Pre-game Activities (cont’d)
Added this slide District 12 Little League Tournament Information

19 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Pre-game Activities At the discretion of the Game Director and time permitting, teams will be permitted up to15 minutes of infield/outfield prior to game time Home team 45 min. prior to game time Visiting team 30 min. prior to game time Infield/Outfield warm-ups may take place on the game field or a designated warm-up area On field warm-ups are not guaranteed. District 12 Little League Tournament Information

20 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Pre-game Activities Pre-game Meeting Representatives from both teams will meet with the umpires and Game Director five minutes prior to game time. Ground rules and game particulars will be discussed. Roster size for each team will be determined by the number of players present at this time. Umpires are in control of the game from this point forward. District 12 Little League Tournament Information

21 Who’s Allowed in the Dugout
Number of coaches allowed in dugout during the game is determined by the number of players present when the pre-game meeting begins. A team with 12 or more players may have one manager and two coaches in the dugout A team with fewer than 12 players may have only one manager and one coach in the dugout. * Must be named on the affidavit including any temporary replacement District 12 Little League Tournament Information

22 Who’s Allowed in the Dugout
Only the rostered manager and coaches are allowed in the dugout or on the playing field before or during the game At least one coach must be in the dugout at all times District 12 Little League Tournament Information

23 Who’s Allowed in the Dugout
Scorekeepers, unless they are a rostered coach, are not permitted in the dugout or have contact with coaches, players, or umpires and must sit at the far end of the bleachers Cell phones (text/voice) are not permitted to be used Electronic scorecards are permitted District 12 Little League Tournament Information

24 Game/On-field Conduct
All coaches (except while coaching bases) must remain in the dugout area (dead ball territory) at all times. Do not stand or sit outside the fenced area of the dugout. Base coaches must remain in the dugout until the defensive team has completed their preparatory pitches/infield warm-up and the umpire gives permission to leave the dugout District 12 Little League Tournament Information

25 Game/On-field Conduct
Managers and coaches shall not: Address or mingle with spectators Sit in the stands Warm-up players on the field at any time Leave the bench or dugout area except to confer with a player or umpire You must have permission from an umpire to leave the bench or dugout area Players shall be in the dugout and on their bench at all times except when at bat or in the field District 12 Little League Tournament Information

26 Mandatory Play Requirements
If team has 13+ players all players shall participate in the game for a minimum of 1 at bat. If team has 12 or fewer players all players must play defensively at least 6 consecutive outs and bat at least once. Six (6) consecutive defensive outs is defined as: A player enters the field in one of the nine defensive positions when his/her team is on defense and occupies such position while 6 consecutive outs are made Bat at least one (1) time is defined as: A player enters the batters box with no count and completes that time at bat by being put out or by reaching base safely District 12 Little League Tournament Information

27 Mandatory Play Requirements
There is NO exception to the mandatory play rule unless the game is shortened for any reason (10 run rule, rain, darkness, curfew, etc.) A game is not considered shortened if the home team does not complete the offensive half of the sixth (or any extra inning) due to winning the game Violation of the mandatory play rule if protested or brought to the attention of the tournament committee may result in the manager being removed from the position. District 12 Little League Tournament Information

28 Mandatory Play Requirements
Prior to the start of play in the top of the fourth inning, the umpire-in-chief or other individual designated by the game Tournament Director, in consultation with the official scorer, shall advise both team managers of their obligations to insert all players who have not completed their mandatory play requirement into the line-up as outlined. A manager’s failure/refusal to insert players into the line-up as outlined shall result in immediate ejection of the manager and removal for the remainder of the International Tournament. District 12 Little League Tournament Information

29 Mandatory Play Requirements
If a team has 12 or fewer players in uniform at the start of the pre-game meeting, and is: Visiting Team: Any player(s) who has yet to enter the game to meet the defensive requirements of mandatory play must be inserted prior to the first pitch or play in the bottom half of the fourth inning into one of the next six (6) positions in the line-up. Home Team: Any player(s) who has yet to enter the game to meet the defensive requirements of mandatory play must be inserted prior to the first pitch or play in the top half of the fifth inning into one of the next three positions in the line-up. District 12 Little League Tournament Information

30 Mandatory Play Requirements
If a team has 13 or more players in uniform at the start of the pre-game meeting, players must be inserted into the line-up to bat offensively during the: Visiting Team: Players must be inserted into the line-up to bat offensively during the fourth or fifth inning, or as one of the first three batters in the sixth inning. Home Team: Players must be inserted into the line-up to bat offensively during the fourth inning or as one of the first three batter in the fifth inning. District 12 Little League Tournament Information

31 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Pitching Rules Defensive Conferences Trips to the mound (1-2-3 rule) One per inning Second per inning is removal Third in a game is removal Offensive Conference One offensive time-out per inning District 12 Little League Tournament Information

32 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Pitching Rules Pitching Rules: Rules for 8-10, 9-11 and are the same A pitcher may pitch a maximum of 12 innings per day A pitcher may pitch a maximum of 12 innings a game Pitching six or fewer innings in a day requires no rest Pitching seven or more innings in a day requires one calendar day rest. There are no restrictions/rest requirements in Junior, Senior or Big League Violation if protested or brought to the attention of the tournament committee shall result in manager game suspension. District 12 Little League Tournament Information 32 32

33 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Pitching Rules A pitcher remaining in the game but moving to a different position, can return as a pitcher anytime in the remainder of the game, but only once in the same inning as she was removed. 8-10 year old pitch from 35 feet 9-11and pitch from 40 feet Junior and Senior pitch from 43 feet District 12 Little League Tournament Information

34 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Pitching Rules Pitchers pivot foot on plate (rubber) and non pivot foot not extend beyond limits of plate Take signs while on plate from coach or catcher with the ball in either the glove or pitching hand Hands together before, during or after the backward step Pitcher may not take pitching position with out the ball Pitch starts when one hand is taken off the ball After breaking hands the pitcher can’t put both hands back together Can’t stop, pause or reverse forward motion Pivot foot must remain in contact with or push off and drag away District 12 Little League Tournament Information 34 34

35 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Pitching Rules Legal Pitch – Legal Drag Illegal Pitch – Crow Hop Illegal Pitch – Leap Illegal Pitch – 24 Inch Length Violation Illegal Pitch – Side Arm Illegal Pitch – Ephus Illegal Pitch – Behind the Back District 12 Little League Tournament Information 35 35

36 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Pitching Rules Pitching in consecutive games is permitted subject to rest requirements A tournament pitcher may not pitch in Little League regular season or special games while the team is still participating in the tournament Violation of pitching rules if protested or brought to the attention of the tournament committee may result in a 2 game suspension for the manager District 12 Little League Tournament Information

37 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Substitution Defensive: Must be made as team takes the field Offensive: Must be made as player comes to bat, or while player is on base. Refer to uniform number not name District 12 Little League Tournament Information

38 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Substitution Any player who has been removed for a sub may re-enter in the same batting position provided the sub has met the mandatory play requirements. A sub entering the game for the first time may not be removed prior to completion of his/her mandatory play requirements. A starting player may be removed from the game before completing the mandatory play requirements The starter and sub may not be in the game at the same time District 12 Little League Tournament Information

39 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Substitution If illness, injury or the ejection of a player prevents a team from legally fielding nine (9) players, a player previously used in the lineup may be inserted, but only if there are no other eligible substitutes available. The opposing team manager shall select the player to re-enter the lineup A player ejected from the game is not eligible for re-entry District 12 Little League Tournament Information

40 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Special Pinch Runner Once per inning, but not more than twice per game, any player not in the batting order may be used as a special pinch runner for any offensive player A player may only be removed for a special pinch runner once per game There is no “Courtesy Runner” in Little League. District 12 Little League Tournament Information

41 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Uncaught Third Strike 8-10 Tournament: Batter is out 9-11 and Tournament: Batter is out if first base is occupied with less than two outs. If first base is not occupied or there are two outs, batter becomes runner and defense must put him/her out. District 12 Little League Tournament Information

42 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
“Stay In Box” rule Batters MUST keep one foot in the batter’s box during their at bat, with the following exceptions: On a swing, slap, or check swing When forced out of the box by a pitch. When the batter attempts a “drag bunt” in Baseball [or attempts a “slap” or “slap bunt” in Softball] When the catcher does not catch the pitched ball. When a play has been attempted. When time has been called. When the pitcher leaves the eight foot circle or the catcher leaves the catcher’s box. On a three ball count pitch that is a strike that the batter thinks is a ball. District 12 Little League Tournament Information

43 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Appeals Know how to make a proper appeal An appeal should be clearly intended as an appeal A verbal request by a player to the umpire An act that unmistakably indicates an appeal to the umpire Appeals must be made while the ball is live District 12 Little League Tournament Information

44 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Appeals An appeal may be made by the defense in any of the following ways: By touching the runner whom they believe committed a base running infraction By touching the base they believe was missed while the runner was advancing By touching the original base that a runner left before a fly ball was caught District 12 Little League Tournament Information

45 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Appeals The defense loses their right to appeal when any of the following actions occur: A pitch is made to the next batter An illegal pitch is committed before or as part of an appeal attempt When the throw made in an appeal attempt goes into dead ball territory During an appeal, the ball is live and runners may advance District 12 Little League Tournament Information

46 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Protests Protests are considered only when based on: Misinterpretation of the playing rules Use of an ineligible pitcher Use of an ineligible player Violation of mandatory play requirements Umpire judgment (ball, strike, safe, out, fair, foul) can not be protested District 12 Little League Tournament Information

47 Protests – Misinterpretation of Playing Rules
Do not let the game continue if you think a rule has been violated Formal verbal protest must be made to Umpire-in-Chief at the time of the dispute before next pitch or play A protest on the last play of the game must be made before the umpires leave the field Umpire-in-chief calls conference with umpires If unresolved, Umpire-in-Chief must consult with Tournament Director or District Administrator If still unresolved, a call must be made to Regional Director If still unresolved, Regional Director must call Tournament Committee for a decision. The decision of the Tournament Committee shall be final and binding District 12 Little League Tournament Information

48 Protests – Use of an Ineligible Pitcher
Verbal protest must be made as soon as facts are known but before either teams next game. Umpire-in-chief must consult with Tournament Director or District Administrator Call must be made to Regional Director Regional Director must call the Tournament Committee in Williamsport The decision of the Tournament Committee shall be final and binding District 12 Little League Tournament Information

49 Protests – Use of an Ineligible Player (Prior to or following Game)
Written protest must be made as soon as facts are known. Complainant presents matter to Tournament Director and/or District Administrator Matter shall be resolved with Regional Director and Tournament Committee before the first pitch of the game The decision of the Tournament Committee shall be final and binding District 12 Little League Tournament Information

50 Protests – Use of an Ineligible Player (During the Game)
Protest may be lodged by the manager or coach with Umpire-in-Chief who shall consult with Tournament Director or District Administrator Tournament Director or District Administrator shall contact Regional Director, who shall contact the Tournament Committee in Williamsport for a decision. The decision of the Tournament Committee shall be final and binding District 12 Little League Tournament Information

51 Protests – Use of an Ineligible Player
NOTE: Disqualification of team, players and/or forfeiture of games is the sole decision of the Tournament Committee in Williamsport . District 12 Little League Tournament Information

52 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Protests All officials, including all managers, coaches, scorekeepers, umpires, Tournament Directors, District Administrators, etc., should make every effort to prevent a situation that may result in the forfeiture of a game or suspension of tournament privileges. However, failure by any party to prevent such situations shall not affect the validity of a protest. Added this slide District 12 Little League Tournament Information

53 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Common Rule Myths A batter who bats out of order is out. If a pitch hits a player’s hands it’s considered a foul ball, since hands are considered part of the bat. The runner must always slide when the play is close. A runner who runs more the three feet away from a direct line between bases is out of the baseline and should be called out. The runner is out if tagged when she turns to the left after crossing first base. The home plate umpire can over-rule another umpire if she has more experience or a better look at the play. Tie goes to the runner. The batter is out if she starts for the dugout before going to first after a dropped third strike. Added this slide District 12 Little League Tournament Information

54 Altercations / Ejections
Altercations - Any player, manager, coach or official who is involved in a physical or verbal altercation at the game site could be suspended or removed from tournament play by the Tournament Committee Ejections - Any manager, coach or player ejected from a game will be suspended for the next physically played game (See Rule 4.07). Ejections shall be noted in the tournament team’s affidavit in the Record of Ejections on page 4. Entry should include member’s name and date ejected and signed by the Tournament Director or District Administrator District 12 Little League Tournament Information

55 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Post-game Activities A manager/coach must be present when players are interviewed by the press Don’t leave the game site without YOUR affidavit and signed pitching log Affidavits are kept at site of finals Know where and when your next game will be played District 12 Little League Tournament Information

56 District 12 Little League Tournament Information
Questions Updated the graphic District 12 Little League Tournament Information

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