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Human Behavior Ch. 9-2.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Behavior Ch. 9-2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Behavior Ch. 9-2

2 Genie Story

3 Neonates New born babies Reflexes: Rooting Sucking Swallowing Grasping
Stepping Will respond to faces and voices

4 Temperament Characteristic patters of emotional reactions and emotional self-regulation Some babies like being held, others do not Biological and environmental factors contribute to behavior and stability of behavior Babies act differently if born after a stressful time in the womb Babies can hear in the womb Voices and music They know mom and dad

5 Vision Unlike puppies and kittens, human babies are born with their eyes open and functioning Can see faces and objects 8-10 inches Takes 3-4 years to fully develop Like to look at certain individuals Like mom and dad They know someone is a stranger

6 Depth Perception Can not find evidence of depth perception before 4 months Develops well when they crawl between 6-12 months Visual cliffs show this, pg. 314

7 Maturation An automatic biological unfolding of development in an organism as a function of the passage of time Changes Crawling to walking Can only change when “ready” Can only walk when it is time, use arms more when they are ready

8 Sensory-Motor Stage In Piaget’s theory, the stage of cognitive development between birth and 2 years of age in which the individual develops object permanence and acquires the ability to form mental representaitons.

9 Object Permanence The concept that things continue to exist even when they are out of sight Early on it is “out of sight, out of mind” 18-24 months, develop a sense of object permanence It takes experience

10 Mental Representations
Mental images or symbols (such as words) used to think about or remember an object, a person, or an event Manipulate things in their head

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