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Practice Science Investigation

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1 Practice Science Investigation
15% of GCSE – 45 Marks Presented as a report (no more than 2000 words)

2 What have you been asked to do?
Candidates will be required to investigate, research and evaluate the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of chemical raising agents (before carrying out the investigations). Candidates are required to produce a written report of 1500–2000 words. Chemical raising agents are used in baked products. Explore and scientifically investigate the changes that occur when chemical raising agents are used in baked products. Explain scientifically what happens.

3 Homework Example Create a front page for your Practice assessment. This MUST be created on a word document. Save this page in your food folder- NEA Science investigation Year10 folder. Make the front page look attractive but appropriate to the investigation. Name: Centre Number Student Number OCR J309/03 - Food Science Investigation

4 All titles and sub titles to be in bold and underlined.
Task 1 – Food Investigation Aim - to investigate, research and evaluate the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of chemical raising agents. Research Before I start planning my investigations, I will find out about the working characteristics, chemical composition and functional properties of chemical raising agents so that I can understand what happens when chemical raising agents are used in a baking. ( You need to find out – what are the different chemical raising agents, what makes them different, how do they work, what conditions do they need to work? Do they have any nutritional value? How can they be used – show examples of) Make sure you have some scientific facts or formulas. What chemical raising agents are best in specific products? Investigation What investigations will you make? I have chosen to use fairy cakes so that I may scientifically investigate how the use of chemical raising agents may alter the overall appearance, taste, texture and time to cook in a simple sponge recipe. I will record an sensory and functional changes that occur in the cooking process. Possible investigations: Method for investigation 1 – Use of different raising agents Method for investigation 2 – Affect of different temperatures used to cook cakes. Method 3 the balloon test Method 4 …………… (Add one of your own) Predict what you think may happen? (There is no right or wrong)

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