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French and Indian War 1754-1763.

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Presentation on theme: "French and Indian War 1754-1763."— Presentation transcript:

1 French and Indian War

2 WARM UP – FEBRUARY 10 Everyone grab the “French and Indian War Notes” and Handout from the front table Also take out your video questions for the Story of Us Video from yesterday so we can go over it

3 WARM UP – FEBRUARY 10 BE PREPARED TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS, DO NOT NEED TO WRITE ANYTHING DOWN: 1. What caused the French and Indian war? 2. Why did the Natives fight with the French against the British? 3. What were the lasting effects of the war?



6 French Settlement in the Americas
The French had settled north and west of the English colonies The French preferred to trade goods and convert Native Americans to Christianity The French did not establish towns/raise families in North America like the British

7 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR The French had more alliances with the Native Americans by 1760 New France was only 70,000 whereas Britain has over 1 million in its colonies

8 End of the French and Indian War
Treaty of Paris (1763) England gains from France: 1. All land on the St. Lawrence River 2. All land East of the Mississippi 3. Caribbean Islands (Basically-the French are out!)


10 Four Effects of War 1. Colonists see how the British mistreat the French (take away their rights) (Think about it-If they did it to the French, could it happen to the colonist?) 2. British raise colonial taxes to pay off the war 3. British are cruel to the Natives (give them smallpox-on purpose) 4. Proclamation of 1763-told colonists they couldn’t settle west of the Appalachian Mountains (they thought it was too expensive to protect and wanted to contain the colonists)


-Describe the causes of the war (what could each group obtain by fighting (French, English, Native Americans) Imagine you are a Native American – which side would you choose to fight for – The British or French- Provide 2 reasons why you chose the side you did What were the lasting effects of the War?

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