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Late incidence and determinants of stroke after aortic and mitral valve replacement  Marc Ruel, MD, MPH, Roy G Masters, MD, Fraser D Rubens, MD, Pierre.

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Presentation on theme: "Late incidence and determinants of stroke after aortic and mitral valve replacement  Marc Ruel, MD, MPH, Roy G Masters, MD, Fraser D Rubens, MD, Pierre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Late incidence and determinants of stroke after aortic and mitral valve replacement 
Marc Ruel, MD, MPH, Roy G Masters, MD, Fraser D Rubens, MD, Pierre J Bédard, MD, Andrew L Pipe, MD, William G Goldstein, MD, Paul J Hendry, MD, Thierry G Mesana, MD, PhD  The Annals of Thoracic Surgery  Volume 78, Issue 1, Pages (July 2004) DOI: /j.athoracsur

2 Fig 1 Incidence of late postoperative embolic stroke after valve replacement, by implant site and prosthesis type. The incidence of stroke was significantly higher in patients with mitral mechanical valves than in those with other types of implants. (*p = 0.002). — = aortic bioprotheses; · · · = mitral bioprostheses; – – = aortic mechanical; - · - · = mitral mechanical. (Bio = bioprostheses; Mech = mechanical prostheses.) The Annals of Thoracic Surgery  , 77-83DOI: ( /j.athoracsur )

3 Fig 2 Risk-adjusted effect of increased preoperative left ventricular grade on late postoperative embolic stroke in patients who underwent mitral valve replacement. With each unit increase in preoperative LV grade, a linearized stroke risk augmentation of 61% was observed. (LV = left ventricular.) The Annals of Thoracic Surgery  , 77-83DOI: ( /j.athoracsur )

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