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Word of the day Set 9.

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Presentation on theme: "Word of the day Set 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word of the day Set 9

2 Chagrin (noun) Definition: Distress or embarrassment at having failed or been humiliated. Sentence: Despite her father’s chagrin, Jill wore the revealing dress to the dance.

3 Transition (Noun) Definition: Where different scenes are joined together in cuts, dissolves or fades. Sentence: The film’s final transition was a slow fade to black.

4 Zoom (noun) Definition: Where the frame moves in or out on its subject, thus magnifying or minimizing the subject. Sentence: The camera zoomed in on the main character’s face in order to emphasize his expression.

5 Amnesia (noun) Definition: A partial or total loss of memory.
Sentence: He sustained brain damage from the fall, which caused amnesia to set in.

6 Chronology (noun) Definition: The arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence. Sentence: The photo album that was given on her birthday was a chronology of her life in pictures.

7 Sullen (Adjective) Definition: Dull or somber in colour.
Sentence: “the rasp, the plane, the awl, /revert to sullen metal.”

8 Tilt (Noun) Definition: The up or down movement of the camera while the camera itself does not move; often to reveal vertical objects like a building or a person. Sentence: In order to reveal the film’s main character, the camera tilted upward.

9 Awl (noun) Definition: A small pointed tool used for piercing holes.
Sentence: After losing weight, Father used an awl to punch a new hole in his favorite belt.

10 exuberant (adjective)
Definition: Full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness. Sentence: The exuberant puppy would not stop running around the house.

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