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Vocab Unit 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab Unit 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab Unit 8

2 Adorn: verb - to decorate
- synonym: decorate Comedy: noun - A humorous event - antonym: tragedy, sadness Echo: verb - to repeat or reflect words, ideas, or opinions - synonym: repeat Lapse: noun - a short break - synonym: break, absence Origin: noun – a source or beginning - antonym: ending, conclusion

3 Precipitate: 1) verb – to bring about, to make happen, 2) adj – sudden; rushed
- synonyms: cause, result in Savor: verb.- to enjoy or appreciate - antonym: dislike Segment: 1) noun. – a piece of a whole, 2) verb – to separate into sections antonyms: entire, whole Sequence: noun – an order in which certain things follow each other synonyms: order, series Sever: verb – to separate by cutting off a part - antonyms: unite, bring together

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