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Good Morning, Bonjour, Worsley Brigade!

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning, Bonjour, Worsley Brigade!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning, Bonjour, Worsley Brigade!
Today is Wednesday April 17, Day 1 Aujourd’hui c’est mercredi le 17 avril, Jour 1

2 Please stand for the playing of O’Canada
S’il vous plaît, levez-vous pour l’hymne nationale

3 Land Acknowledgement Statement
Simcoe County District School Board acknowledges that we are situated on the traditional land of the Anishinaabeg people. We acknowledge the enduring presence of First Nation, Métis and Inuit people on this land and are committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation and respect.

4 Land Acknowledgement Statement
Le conseil scolaire Simcoe County reconnaît que nous sommes situés sur la terre traditionnelle du peuple Anishinaabeg. Nous reconnaissons la présence durable des peuples de Premières Nations, de Métis et d’Inuits sur cette terre et nous sommes dévoués à avancer dans l’esprit de la réconciliation et du respect.


6 Happy birthday today to... Bonne fête aujourd’hui à...
Cherry S Jordyn L Watch this quick video clip! Cali T Malakai R.

7 Math, maTH, MATH!! Math is amazing - math is everywhere.
This month we will explore some amazing MATH NATURE FACTS! What percent of plastic is recycled? 9% 29% 89% Answer is “a” Math - it’s the only subject that ‘counts’!!

8 * Wellness Break - In MRS. Fuller’s Room
Grades 5 to 8 students are welcome to come to the library for 2nd recess to have some QUIET down time. The Wellness Break will allow you to settle into a quiet corner in the library to read a book, do some drawing or some quiet, independent activity. No talking, chatting, doing homework, or technology allowed.


Reminder... Junior CHOIR IS TOMORROW (Day 2 at 1st break+) Choir Members in grades 3,4,5…meet Ms. Girdwood in Mrs. Liotta’s room at 11:00. Music Mania is just around the corner. If you are wanting to be a part of that celebration, you need to attend ALL remaining practices.

11 DANCE - A - THON!!! This Thursday (tomorrow)!! Bring $2 to get in.
Bring $ for glow bracelets. Grades 5-8 students can purchase CANDY!!!!!

12 Thank you to everyone that came out last night to SING for JOY at Worsley’s Wellness Night!
The art work that is up in the gym so far, will STAY up for Music Mania. Please respect it when you are using the gym. If anyone can add more creative colour to the walls before April 30, that would be greatly appreciated. Here is today’s song link :)

The following committees need to meet in the 1:00 pm TODAY!! TRIVIA Presenters Google Slide Show TEACHER vs TEACHER

14 Environment Club Thank you to everyone who came by our booth at the Worsley Wellness event last night. We are happy to announce that 100% of people surveyed indicated that they would support a ban of plastic disposable bottled water at Worsley. We want to promote using reusable water bottles...water is always the best choice for a drink at school! We also had some rich discussions about the importance of healthy, litterless lunches...good for the learning brain and the environment! Congratulations to the following students who won prizes from our booth. Please come to Ms. Holroyd’s room to collect your prize: Liam Phillips Cayden Sturgess Perry Brownridge Jack Sage Aiden Moyer

Wear your RAPTORS and MAPLE LEAF gear tomorrow to support our Toronto teams in the playoffs (or any sports gear you may have!)

TODAY and TOMORROW between 1:00-1:40pm due to short week. Meet at Mr Freebody’s room. Bring lunch for outside training.

17 We will be recognizing Integrity and Optimism!
CHARACTER ED ASSEMBLY! Our next Character Ed. Assembly will by next Thursday, April 25th during the last block. We will be recognizing Integrity and Optimism! More info coming.…..

18 The Book Fair is open today during CLASS TIME only! Not at lunch.
Also, please feel free to bring your class down to check out the Wonder Park rides! They are AMAZING!!

19 Junior Girls Volleyball
Team practise at first break in the gym!

20 Junior Volleyball Practice
There will be a practice today during 2nd break. See you there boys.

21 That’s All Your Announcements For Today,
Have a Warm Wednesday!

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