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Department Of Commerce S.M.Joshi College Hadapsar,Pune.

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Presentation on theme: "Department Of Commerce S.M.Joshi College Hadapsar,Pune."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department Of Commerce S.M.Joshi College Hadapsar,Pune.
Prof. Rasage S.D. Assistant Professor Department Of Commerce S.M.Joshi College Hadapsar,Pune.

2 Introduction  The turm communication is derived from the Latin term ‘communs ‘ that means common. Whatever is common is shared by all. The seans of sharing is inherent is very original nature of communication. Something to all tell as the situation demands communication has been defined in different ways. Most “communication is exchange of message between and the among human beings.’’

3 Definition  1) Norman B. Signband -: “ communication is the transmission & reception of ideas feelings & attitude both verbally and non verbally eliciting a response. It is a dynamic concept underlying all kind of living system ‘’  2) Terry -: “ communication is an exchange of facts, ideas , opinions or emotionas by two or more person.’’

4 Nature of communication
 1) communication is meaning based  2) communication leads to interaction  3) communication is supposed to be appropriate  4) communication is structured


6 Scope of communication
 1) sharing information  2) feedback  3) control  4) Influence  5) Problem solving  6) Group Building  7) Gate keeping

7 Important of communication
 1) communication is for management  2) Basis of planning  3) Basis of Decision making  4) Successful operation of business  5) Quick desions & their implemention  6) Promotion of industria pease  7) Basis of Leadership  8) cost Reducation





12 Remedies to overcome Barriers
Information to the employess Proper listing Developing proper inter personal relationship Use of proper language Use of the grapevine Feedback


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