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5 minute lesson plan Learning Episodes Class: Date: Topic:

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1 5 minute lesson plan Learning Episodes Class: Date: Topic:
Success Criteria How will I teach literacy/numeracy Good if: Even better if: Excellent if: Possible misconceptions : Lesson objective: Personalised Learning/ Differentiation support Personalised Learning/ Differentiation challenge Resources Learning Episodes Knowledge harvest/ knowledge acquisition activity how will I know students have made progress? Application activity How will I know students have made progress? Evaluation/ synthesis activity How will I know students have made progress? Progress summary activity/ extension challenge activity

2 What new skills, knowledge or understanding did pupils leave my lesson with ? How do I know this?
If I were to deliver this lesson again to the same group what might I change in order for pupils to make better progress? What were the starting points of the pupils? How do I know this? Did all pupils make progress in my lesson? How do I know this? What evidence of pupil progress could I collect from this lesson experience

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