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Attention, North Plainfielders

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2 Attention, North Plainfielders

3 The following candidate wants to be YOUR mayor or serve you on council!


5 When invited to attend a “Meet the Candidates” event, a human candidate might be afraid!

6 …someone might ask him a question he doesn’t like!

7 …but a piece of paper is FEARLESS!

8 Want to make nasty, unfounded comments about your tax-paying constituency to a governing body in another town?

9 PIECE OF PAPER can handle it!

10 Wanna try to scare someone who’s following the rights given to them in a free society?

11 PIECE OF PAPER is all over it!

12 Who Needs Dealing with People?
Heck, people have this nasty habit of asking questions. Who wants to answer questions?

13 Elect PIECE OF PAPER! PIECE OF PAPER wants your vote! And once PIECE OF PAPER gets your vote …

14 … He’ll be quick to make friends with other pieces of paper, especially the ones YOU know …

15 …Lots and lots and LOTS of the ones you know ….

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