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Identification of new Priority Substances – state of play

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1 Identification of new Priority Substances – state of play
WG E Chemical Aspects Brussels June 2010 Agenda Item 3(ii)(a) Helen Clayton WFD Team DG Environment European Commission

2 Sub-Group on Review of Priority Substances meeting of 17-18 May 2010
Discussed the 41 substances on which detailed dossiers had been produced. Considered principally the following criteria: PEC/PNEC ratio > 1 PBT/vPvB/carcinogenicity or similar properties EU relevance, including coverage of monitoring data Structured the discussion on the basis of a provisional grouping document: Green = not enough evidence to list at this stage Red = enough evidence to list Grey = less obvious, i.e. more discussion/analysis needed By the end of the discussions: 21 green, 16 red, 4 grey

3 Outcome of the PS SG-R meeting 17-18 May 2010
# Substances Lead 253 Quinoxyfen COM 79 Omethoate 47 Dicofol 124 Zinc and its compounds UK 89 Chromium trioxide 10 Edetic acid (EDTA) 7 Cyanides – free (HCN and CN-) 214 Aclonifen 78 Glyphosate FR 77 Amino-methyl phosphonic acid (AMPA) 116 Mecoprop (MCPP) 171 Bentazone IT 204 Propiconazole DE 62 Cyclododecane SE 176 Diphenyl ether, octabromo (octoBDE BDE-197) 26 Bisphenol A (4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol) 384 Clarithromycin 373 Sulfamethoxazole 372 Carbamazepin 377 Diclofenac 378 Ibuprofen 387 17alpha-ethinylestradiol 17 beta-estradiol # Substances Lead 101 Chlorothalonil NL 1 Trichlorfon FR 71 Tolylfluanid FI 309 Dichlofluanid COM 288 Tri-allate UK 28 Musk xylene (5-tert-buthyl-2,4,5-trinitro-m-xylene) AT 334 Methyl 5-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-2-nitrobenzoate (Bifenox) 355 Terbutryn DE 367 Cybutryne (Irgarol®) SE 196 Cypermethrin 13 Dichlorvos 20/ 75 Heptachlor/Heptachlor epoxide 90 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 96 Dioxin (2,3,7,8 - Tetrachlorodibenzo-p dioxin,TCDD) IT ?98 Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and its salts (PFOS) and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride 111/ 172 1,2,5,6,9,10-Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD)/ 1,3,5,7,9,11-Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) 224 Alkanes, C14-17, chloro (MCCPs) UK 43 Toluene DK

4 Outstanding issues - the grey substances
Zinc + compounds: ongoing analysis and discussion re monitoring data and PEC/PNEC ratios Ibuprofen: data awaited on a fish study - October 17 beta-estradiol: industry paper on PNEC awaited; further analysis of monitoring data underway; DK proposal to group EDs. OctaBDE: resolved, i.e. to consider in context of reviewing existing EQS for BDEs.

5 Outstanding issues - the red substances
Quinoxyfen: ECPA questions PB(T) properties and monitoring data Diclofenac: EFPIA paper re assessment endpoints Alpha ethinylestradiol: EFPIA paper re monitoring data General: right balance of “old” and “current” substances? – consideration of monitoring effort.

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